Thursday, April 20, 2017

An explosion of flowers

I got up around 8. I washed up, got dressed, read e-mail and drank water.
I found a plastic crate out back and walked down to Housing by 9. Ladies were already there picking out flowers. Terri told me we were allowed to get one of each and two geraniums. So I picked out what looked good to me. Then I ran home to get my phone. I took pics of the flowers. I texted Dynee to see if she wanted me to pick flowers for her since she was out of town. She said yes so I asked her if she wanted the yellow/orange ones, or the pink/purple ones. She chose the pink/purple. I chose a set for her with the most buds. Then I traded a lily to Lily for a geranium. I may have traded with someone else, too. The flowers were not all good choices for gardens. Orchids, for example. The begonias and impatiens were not there.
As I was finishing Dynee's flowers, Tammy drove by and asked if I needed a ride. Although Housing is close to me, it would have taken me 4 trips to transport all the flowers. So I accepted. She helped me carry the flats to the porches. We talked about the bandannas she wanted for a birthday party.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail and listening to audios. Chris came home for lunch. I asked him if I could trade the orchid for something else. He said I could do whatever I wanted. But the lady I was going to trade with changed her mind.
I was listening to an audio and they said something Chris disagreed with and he said so, at length and included something he heard yesterday. I told him I was trying to rest and digest. I put on headphones to finish the interview. He finished his lunch and left. I wondered if he was upset with me.
I continued to process e-mail. I texted Kathy who had told me earlier that she had an extra bag of cacao nibs. I asked if I could stop by, but she was leaving so she left the bag on her porch. I looked up the price of cacao nibs. I listened to a meditation. Then I went to her place. I picked up the bag, and put down her jar with some cash in it.
Then I walked out in town to the massage place. I was 10 minutes early. But it was ok. I got a nice foot massage, thinking pleasant thoughts the whole time, and playing classical music on my phone.
After the massage, I walked through the market to Daiso. I bought a pack of toothbrushes infused with charcoal. Then I went to the plant place across the street and bought two wave petunias. At least, I think they were (are). From there I went to the junk store and got a pack of tiny barrettes for my hair. But on the way I passed another plant place and got 3 pepper plants. Then I went to the little corner market and bought a package of lettuce.
Finally, I walked home. There were more plants on my porch. Terri must have gotten them for me when the extras were up for grabs.
It was not quite 5. I called Myra, and she was home with a headache. I checked e-mail and texted Dynee. I made two smoothies, one with cucumber and one with lettuce. Then I decided to make seed crackers. I had just popped them in the oven when Chris came through the door. He wanted to bake spaghetti squash and eggplant. The seed crackers were done by the time he changed clothes and got the squash and egg plant washed, chopped and covered with spices. He also stir-fried onions, garlic, tomatoes and spices as a topping for the squash when it was done.
I looked up felt cupcakes on Pinterest and Youtube. I wanted to make one for a friend who is leaving and is an expert cupcake maker and a budding stitcher. It can double as a pincushion. The tutorials I found were in Spanish. But I took notes from the pictures.
When the food was done, I ate some of each. Then I pulled out my pieces of felt and drew circles with a CD. Chris was having trouble getting my laptop to talk to the TV, so I went back to the livingroom. We had to reboot my laptop to get it to work properly, which was odd since it seemed to have rebooted over night. We watched two episodes. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog and check e-mail one last time.
* It may not look like an explosion from this distance, but close up it was much more impressive. *

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