Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blossoms, blossoms, everywhere

I got up about 8:15. I might have gotten the food waste out in time but did not think of it until later. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I played an interview on dealing with pain and trauma while I cleaned my half of the kitchen since I did not get it done yesterday. I washed the large pot in the sink. I juiced some celery and blended it with some cucumber kimchi. I also dustmopped the floor. I looked up the recipe for vanilla bean cake. Chris came home for lunch just after 11. I asked him if we had the 6 eggs needed for the cake and he said yes. He put several cups of white beans in a pot to soak for tomorrow. I listened to the interview again. I figured out a Sudoku puzzle that I wasn't able to solve previously. I made breakfast and was eating it when Dynee texted me that she wanted to walk to Office Depot. So I finished eating and got dressed for walking. As we walked past Myra's place, I called her. She was getting up from a nap and needed 10 minutes to get ready. So we talked to some ladies passing by for a bit. They were gone by the time Myra came out. Then the three of us walked into town. When we passed The Foot Shop, which had taken down all their signs, their door was open. Curiosity got the best of us and we walked in and up the steps. It was full of ladies sitting around. A lady came forward to speak to me. I tried to explain that I was American and did not speak Korean. She indicated a shelf full of Doterra products (essential oils). I asked about massages and she gave me the 'no' sign. She rubbed orange essential oil on three business cards and gave them to us. She also put some on our wrists. We thanked her and left. We found Aritaum, a place Dynee wanted to check out. But they were not having the sale she hoped for. Then we went to Office Depot. I selected several colors of ribbon and bought three yards of each for class tomorrow. Dynee got some packages of ribbon and I'm not sure what Myra got. We walked across the street to the little place that sells home sewn items. We got some fabric there. Then we went to the rotary circle to the booth that sells sugar cane. I asked how much and he said $3. I handed him that much, and he gave me three sticks of sugar cane. Myra gave me a bag and I used my other bag to completely cover the sticks. Then we went back. When we got to the corner market, we bought pineapples. From there, we walked on base to the commissary. I got honey and garlic. As I came out, Myra was driving up, so I stopped to tell her I was going to walk home. We got into a conversation, and then she went to the commissary while I walked home.
I put the food away. I tried to take a 20 minute nap. I read e-mail and saw that Akia needed boxes. So I messaged her and she came right over. I gave her 4 from the shed and some advice on her pack-out.
Then I went back to e-mail. Chris came home from work while I was watering the peas, lettuce and pansies. He changed his clothes and made supper. I put a bowl of bean soup in the toaster oven. I listened to an audio until the timer rang. Then I ate it outside. When I came in, I asked Chris if the leftover bean soup smelled ok and it sparked an argument. After it was over, I went back to reading e-mail. I tried on the blossom headband that I made. Then I got a piece of sugar cane from the fridge and washed it really well. Chris plugged my laptop into the TV and we watched two episodes. I chewed on the sugar cane and it made a fibrous mess. Then Chris went to bed. I changed into my night gown and stayed up to clear more e-mail and to write to my blog. (and to look up a better way to eat sugar cane. )
* Blossoms, blossoms, in my hair. *

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