Sunday, April 23, 2017

Five day market

I got up after Chris left for church. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I started the QandA for The Truth About Vaccines. But I paused it at 9:30 to take a shower and get dressed. I looked for today's songs in my e-mail but could not find them. Chris came back from church. Then I got my Sunday purse filled and put on my shoes.
He drove me to church and dropped me off. I sat in my usual seat and talked to Kathy who was there with her kids. Soon the service started. The praise leader with the guitar wasn't able to play today, so his backup led us in three hymns. That was really nice. Then lots of hand-shaking. Then the choir sang a really nice hymn that I hadn't heard before called “Yes, Lord, Yes”. The sermon was about the exodus from Egypt.
After the service, I talked to Suzanne, giving her the magnesium oil she wanted. Dynee paid me for the Biosil. So Young told me she had been studying how to cut hair and wanted to make a hair cut cape on Wednesday. I called Chris to come get me.
I walked up to the street and presently he drove by and parked at the commissary. We went in. He shopped while I used the restroom. Then I picked up some celery and distilled water. We checked out, using the two plastic bags I had remembered to throw in my purse. Hopefully next time I will bring more.
We took our food home and put it away. I made and ate breakfast. Then I put on my fanny pack and went outside. Dynee called to ask if I was ready to go to the 5-day market. I watered the transplanted bush and then we got in her car. She drove us to the market. It took awhile to find a parking space.
We passed a flower stand and I bought three petunias. Then we wandered down the side street to the main street. We bought various vegetables. Dynee bought two hydrangeas for the front of her house, and then she found a lilac. She wanted two of them, but the man only had one. But it was really nice and smelled so good. She also wanted to buy shepherd's hooks, but we could not find any.
Then we went back, and on the way got oranges and peppers. I also bought three tomato plants and six black lettuce plants. She drove us back to post.
At her house, we discussed where to plant the lilac. I saw that Terri had left more plants on my porch. I put my veggies away, except for the lettuce, which I put in the sink to re-hydrate. Then I went outside.
Dynee's husband dug a hole in the middle of their yard and they planted the lilac in it. I watered all my plants and most of our shared plants. I planted the tomatoes and the lettuce. I put two of the petunias in slightly bigger pots. I tied each one with twine so the plant hangers would have something to hold on to. Then I shoved one of the bamboo poles into the ground and hung the plants on it. I rounded up all my old plants, looking for another pot that size but did not find one.
When it was all done, I came in for supper. I ate eggplant, and spaghetti squash with raw garlic on it. I listened to an interview on ketones, then transcribed more of the video from yesterday. I also jotted notes for my blog.
When Chris was ready, we watched three episodes, each one ending in a cliffhanger. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog, and maybe listen to a delta BWE.
* It needs a little something, but I haven't figured out what. *

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