Thursday, April 6, 2017

Rainy day

When I went to bed after my skype call, Chris was on my side of the bed. So I crawled in on his side. It was not as comfortable since my knee pillow was not there and his head pillow is harder than mine. When he got up to go to the bathroom, I went over to my side. Later he got ready for work and left. When I got up, it was almost 9. I soaked my broccoli seeds. I drank a quart of water and listened to audios. I did some yoga stretches. I created a photo album on my Facebook page for cherry blossom pics. I loaded it with all the pics and then deleted the ones that weren't so good. Beverly 'liked' each one immediately. We texted back and forth. I got dressed just in case Myra came over after Bible study. I made up a new mixture of flax and chia seed.
Dynee called to ask me to come over and help her figure out the backing and binding for her quilt. I went over and helped her figure out the dimensions. I also showed her how to sew the binding together. She asked for some paper towel tubes and I went home and put some in a bag for her.
I texted Terri to see if she wanted to go with me to the massage place, but she didn't. She asked me to take a pic of the place and get the address. I called Myra to see if she wanted to walk out in town with me, but she did not since it was rainy. We had a long chat instead.
I cleaned up my cutting room instead of going for a massage. I sorted all my homemade pattern pieces and put them in bags. I made a pattern from a shrug that Myra lent me. I also tried on a lacy top that she gave me and it fit. I started on my sewing room, but it was a bigger mess.
I made a cucumber kimchi smoothie. I ran outside to take the daily pic of the cherry tree outside my house. I read an article on meditation and tried it. Chris came home from work.
I did Sudoku puzzles while Chris ate supper. I listened to an audio. Then I cleaned in the kitchen and soaked broccoli seeds until he was ready to watch TV. We watched 2 episodes. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to finish a puzzle and post to my blog.

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