Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday

I stayed up to watch April the giraffe give birth and went to bed after the little guy was on his feet. What a miracle!
I woke up hearing Chris get ready for church. I was slowly coming out of a dream where the same event happened over and over and I was trying to tell people it had happened before and we needed to play it out differently (because everyone died each time).
Chris left just as I got up. I drank a quart of water with the last of the citrus pectin. I checked e-mail and watched a video on how toxins (some of which are found in vaccines) affect children's neurological development.
I took my shower. I gave myself a haircut and saved the cuttings. I put on my Easter dress and earrings. I filled my new purple bag with stuff for church. Chris had just come home from chapel when I realized my slip was showing. So I put on a different slip.
Then Chris drove me to church. I sat in my usual pew and talked to the lady behind me, who I hadn't seen before. Then Chris came up to say he was leaving. I assumed he was going home. Ms. Pae came and sat beside me. She admired the fabric in my dress, so I told her about the trip to Daegu fabric market and she said she would take the day off to go.
Then the chaplain started the service. The praise team led three praise songs as usual. I had hoped for traditional hymns. The choir did sing an Easter hymn. There was communion. The new couple beside me went back to get their cracker and grape juice like everyone else but brought it back to their seat like last week. I gave them the nod to consume it now instead of waiting for the chaplain, who was not going to lead it. Then we had the reading from Luke about the two criminals crucified with Jesus. The sermon was called “The good, the bad and the ugly.”
After the sermon, I introduced myself to the couple and invited them to come with us to the Easter brunch at Turtle Cove. I called Chris to come get us. Then we went to the desk for tickets that the chapel was handing out to get the brunch for free. But the tickets were all gone. Chris showed up and we piled in the car. He drove us to Turtle Cove.
Ms. Song was there to record the names of people who came to church but did not have tickets. Chris already had a ticket for me. Then we went inside to eat. Chris said he had already eaten. I stood in line with our new friends.
Then Chris took me away to introduce me to someone else, who I had seen in church last week. She had admired my dress, too. I invited her to our sewing class, but she could not make it at the scheduled time. Then I got in line and filled my plate with what seemed safest.
I found the couple sitting with Chris and sat down. We had a nice lunch together. In fact, there was only one table of people remaining when we left. We dropped them off at their place. Then we came home and changed clothes to go to the commissary. We walked there. We shopped there. As we were leaving, Kim came out to talk to us, and the new couple was walking by. So I introduced her to Kim, since she had an interest in antique shops and Kim is good friends with the proprietor. We made a plan to go on Tuesday night. Then we walked home, Chris carrying the bulk of the groceries. When we got home, we put them away.
Chris got on his laptop and I listened to the next day of Truth About Vaccines.
In Japan, children are vaccinated only after the age of 2. Across first world nations, there is an association between infant mortality and number of vaccines given by the first birthday.
I paused it to watch two episodes with Chris. Then he walked into town to a restaurant called The Meat Kitchen to meet some guys from base. I ate some liver with onions and a raw clove of garlic. I watered the plants and swatted tiny fliers with the mosquito racket. I spread my hair cuttings along the flowerbed to deter nibblers.
I finished the vaccine video. I made and ate breakfast. I started a video on stretches for managing back and shoulder pain. Chris came home from the restaurant. He handed me a box of utensil rests that they had given each of the men.
We watched an episode of Once Upon a Time. Chris went to his laptop and I resumed my video. I signed up with the interviewers website and got a video on shoulder stretches. I wrote up my blog post and was ready for bed.
* The cherry trees with compound flowers are blooming now. *

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