Saturday, April 15, 2017

Pork and cabbage on toast

I got up at 7:30, put the food waste in the cannister and tagged it. Chris took it out to the curb. I went back to bed. It was so nice to snuggle in without hot flashes. I got up again at 10. I put on the third day of the Truth About Vaccines series. I drank a quart of water. Before it was over, Myra called to invite us to go walking with them. Chris was ok with that. So Chris shaved and took a shower. I made and ate breakfast. We walked down to their parking lot. They arrived shortly from the commissary. After they put their groceries away, we walked out into town. Scott wanted to visit a sporting goods store. He thought it was by McDonalds, but when we got there, we could not find it. Then we went to the fabric booth since it was so close.
I got another yard of stabilizer using a scrap to show what I wanted, and a yard of red polka dot. Myra got yellow thread and a zipper, and 7 bobbins. As we headed out of the market, I bought some cucumbers. Then we walked to the sporting goods store that I knew about. On the way we passed the Issac toast place. Chris wanted to try one of their sandwiches on toast. While he was trying to figure out which one, not being able to read the sign, Scott and Myra decided they wanted one also. They watched other people's orders being made. Finally Chris ordered one and it turned out to be a pork patty with a slice of wrapped cheese, and mutilated cabbage on toast. He ate it immediately while the Slaydons ordered one. Theirs was fried baloney and mutilated cabbage and a pre-wrapped cheese slice on toast with a sweet sauce and fried egg. We walked down to the sporting goods store. Chris and Scott went in while Myra and I crossed the street to the little park. We sat on a bench and chatted while she ate part of the toast sandwich. Then the guys joined us and Scott finished the sandwich. We talked about the United Air fiasco. Then we walked back to base, going by the canal where the flower shop was. I was able to resist buying flowers because the base is handing out free flowers on Thursday. But when I saw the tomato plants, I had to get some. They were three for $2. He did not give me the best three and I tried to trade out, but he would not let me. Then Scott told Myra to get some. And the man gave her the smaller ones too. We walked back to base. Chris went to work so I walked back with the Slaydens as far as their place. Then I went home. I ate some pineapple and a banana while I finished the vaccine video. I learned that Dr. Wakefield's study showed that it was safer to take the MMR vaccines in separate doses rather than all in one. But the drug companies preferred to sell it in combination, so they removed all the single dose vials from the market. Then Dr. Wakefield got branded as anti-vaccine. A pediatrician talked about seeing a rise in autism in his patients. So he devised his own vaccine schedule, putting off vaccines until age 3 because all the onsets of autism he'd seen happened before the age of three. His patient load went up because of all the parents that wanted his new schedule. The video also talked about rubella and how it was only a problem for pregnant women, but the vaccine is given to everyone, regardless.
I had sewn halfsquare triangles yesterday, so today I sewed them into pinwheel blocks and trimmed them. I also cut up some scraps into 3 inch segments for a future project. Chris came home from work and made himself supper to eat as he played his game. I went outside to plant the tomatoes and water everything. Then I cleared a bunch of e-mail. I wrote about it to my tapping buddy so she would know our tapping worked. I tried on my Easter dress with the purple bag I made and it seemed too big. So I sewed corner folds in it to give a more streamlined shape. I slathered myself in magnesium oil. I practiced my trombone. Waiting for Chris, I folded laundry, and jotted notes for my blog.
We watched two episodes. Then we checked e-mail one more time. Someone posted a link of a giraffe on camera in labor. I watched, but labor seemed slow. I saw the numbers of viewers go up to over 1 million. I posted to my blog and watched some more.

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