Monday, April 17, 2017

Rainy day and taggie toy

Before I went to bed last night, I ordered some cacao nibs on Amazon. I run out of them so quickly. I happened to check my wish list and saw that the sewing machine Myra has had dropped from $137 to $82 with $13 shipping. The total was less than the $100 the post office had paid for messing up my last machine. So I ordered it, then went to bed.

Chris tried to wake me up early so I could finish my coffee morning by 10 in order to go to the flower show with Kim and friends. But I decided that rushing to get ready by 10 defeated the whole purpose of having a relaxing, meditative morning. And it was raining. He left before 8, which was when I got up. I drank two cups of water, then swished with coconut oil and a drop of clove oil. From there, it was the usual exercises, etc.
Just as I was finishing my meditations and starting to clean, Chris came home for lunch. I cleaned the bathrooms while he used the kitchen to make lunch. Then I cleaned the kitchen. He went back to work, leaving the lid of the bread machine open. That was my cue to make more bread. I listened to the next day of the Truth about Vaccines: When a vaccine targets a few strains of a virus, it creates a vacuum. That vacuum gets filled with other strains that are both more prevalent and more virulent than the previous strains. Gardasil has the highest concentration of aluminum of any vaccine on the market. Shaken baby syndrome should be studied, SIDS is most prevalent during 2 to 4 months of age, lots of vaccines are given during that time period.
After the video, I read e-mail. There was a message from Amazon that the credit card charge was denied. But when I checked into it, they had used an old card number. Easily rectified. I watched a short video on shoulder and back stretches. I called Myra to tell her I had ordered a sewing machine like hers because the price had dropped to $82. I asked if anyone else was looking to buy a machine. After the call, I checked again, but the price was back up to $137. ???
I looked at taggie toys on Pinterest, hoping to find something really cute and simple to make for class. The hedgehog was cute, but no tutorial was given. So was the jelly fish, but it used trims I didn't have. Some things had embroidered faces. Finally I came across a simple dinosaur. I sent myself the link so I could open it on the desktop. I printed two copies of the pattern. One of them got spray-glued to a raisin box for stability and then I cut it out. I rummaged through my fleeces to find one that I could spare. I traced and cut one dinosaur. I took it to my sewing room to find something for the other side.
Chris came home from work so I called out to him. He came back to see what I was doing, then he changed his clothes and made his supper. I selected a chevron fabric for the other side. I traced and cut the reverse of the dinosaur. Then I sorted through my ribbons to find some with the same colors as the chevron fabric.
I went to my laptop to find out how long the ribbons should be. One pattern said 4 inches and another one said 5. But the ones on the dinosaur seemed to be graduated. So I cut two at 3”, two at 4”, two at 5” and the middle one at 6”. I folded them in half and pinned them to one of the dinosaurs. I paired them up and sewed around, leaving a gap between the legs as shown in a picture from the tutorial. But it wasn't nearly big enough to turn it right sides out. So I sewed up that hole and used the seam ripper to make one under the tail. I turned it, and used a chopstick to stuff it, then whip-stitched it shut. I took it to the cutting room for it's closeup.
Then I told Chris I would be ready to watch TV at 8. I put the food waste in its container and tagged it for pickup. I had scrubbed the sink earlier with baking soda and it looked terrible. I scrubbed it again, then used soap. But it looked like the baking soda had etched it. I looked up baking soda and stainless steel online. Everything I saw said baking soda was good for cleaning stainless steel. Then Chris came over and loaded a Netflix DVD in the player. We watched two episodes of The Librarians. I really liked the second episode – a man was reading an old book of fairytales and the town started acting them out. After the shows, I went into the bathroom to try shaving the shocks of white hair that grow on the back of my neck. Chris came in to kiss me goodnight. I persuaded him to shave the locks of hair for me.
Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* What kind of dinosaur is this? *

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