Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Egg-sample of our next project

Last night I was in bed when I suddenly realized I had forgotten to soak my broccoli sprouts. I rushed to the kitchen to handle that, then saw the food waste. I put it all in the container, some of it covered in mold. I put the tag in the slot and put it by the front door. Then I went back to bed. I realized that I had not had any hot flashes today or this evening.

I got up before 8 and saw that Chris had taken the food waste out. I cut up some lemon peel. I started an audio on how vaccines grown on animal cells contain retroviruses, which are not able to replicate, but when injected as part of a vaccine, they can be activated. Perfectly healthy people can keep them inactive, but when immunocompromised, they can get sick. These retroviruses transmit DNA codings from the animal DNA to human DNA. The retrovirus transcriptase has been noted in saliva of infected persons and can be aerosolized, infecting the people around them. Once infected, a person will pass these new DNA codings on to all their progeny for generations.
I rinsed my broccoli sprouts. Seems like they should have been bigger by now. I brushed my teeth with baking soda and then swished with vinegar. Then I swished with coconut oil for 20 minutes. I exercised, drybrushed and rebounded. I made coffee and tea. I drank a quart of water. I tapped and meditated. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I got dressed. Chris came home for lunch. He handed me a package and said the address fell off but the post office thought it was mine. There was a pattern inside. I looked at it. It did not seem familiar in any way. It had a USPS tracking number so Chris looked it up, but it did not say who was supposed to get it. I called Myra but it wasn't hers. I facebooked Lacee and she responded with a Yes! I was going to give it to her in class tomorrow, but Chris said it had to go back to the post office. So I gave it to him and he took it back along with her name so they could deliver it properly. I checked e-mail. I pulled up a pattern for a fabric egg online. I traced it off the screen. I made two cardboard templates, which I took to my fabric room to make an egg. I traced one on a scrap. Then my phone rang. Myra was ready to go. I called Dynee and she agreed to meet me outside. I put on my shoes and met her. We walked down to Myra's parking lot. Heading downhill, we ran into some other ladies and talked about the Beauty and the Beast party that we wanted to have but MWR hadn't planned.
We walked to the jewelry store. The lady did not have her tape measure and I did not have mine. So she used a piece of string. I put a $20 down payment on it. Myra bought three pairs of earrings there.
We walked back down the canal. Most of the cherry blossoms were gone. I thought we were going back to base, but we ended up in the market. We looked at store-fronts, seeing jewelry and headbands, clothing, crocheted animals, etc. We went to the fabric booth for stabilizer, but she didn't have it. Either sold out or she didn't understand what we wanted. I went to a nearby place to get apples. She also had small watermelons for $3. Dynee and I both got one.
Then on the way back, we stopped at the little market on the main street. Their strawberries were on sale so Dynee and I got some. I wondered what I was going to do with all this food. When we got to the corner market, Myra looked for tomatoes, and Dynee put her watermelon in my bag and carried it for me. Myra left us at the school.
Dynee and I went home. I put my berries in the freezer. I shoved the melon and apples wherever they would fit in the fridge. I took the lemon peels outside to spread in the front lawn. Dynee was out with her dog. We talked a bit longer. Then I went in. I pulled out a coconut, cracked it, and pried the meat out. I put that in the fridge. I ate some of the fermented cabbage pulp.
I finished the fabric egg and photographed it. I read some e-mail. I posted a pic of the egg to the Facebook page along with an announcement of tomorrow's class. I jotted notes for my blog. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail until Chris came home. I listened to one more video. Then we watched two episodes before going to bed. I stayed up long enough to blog my day.

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