Sunday, April 9, 2017


I woke up around 7:30 and snuggled back under the covers. When I got up, it was just after 8. Chris was at his laptop. I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. He got dressed and went to church. I listened to most of an interview, then paused it to get ready for church. I found the green dress I made last fall. The print is technically of feathers, but with a little imagination, they could be palm fronds. I auditioned two necklaces, and picked earrings to match the second one.
I waited for Chris to arrive but it got late and I figured the service went long. So I got the keys and drove toward the chapel. I met Chris walking home. He got in the car and I pulled up to the parking lot. I got out and he took the car home.
I sat in my usual pew. I heard the praise team practicing and it reminded me that I had forgotten to listen to the songs. The service started late. The supply pastor did things a little differently. After the singing and greetings, he gave the sermon and then had communion. But instead of us filing to the back to have our bit of bread and grape juice, he asked us to bring it back to our seats so we could all partake at the same time while he gave the appropriate sayings of Jesus. And then the service was over. But I have to mention that my phone rang about 5 minutes before the sermon ended. I shut it off as quickly as I could, but it seemed like a long time before my fumbling fingers found the right button. I kept one finger on that button in case it rang again.
After the service, I called Chris to come get me, then checked on the call. It was Myra, so I called her back. She said she and Scott went out to the canal and saw the jewelry shop. The lady had dark blue stones and could make me a necklace to go with my Navy Ball gown. She told me to call her when I was ready to walk out.
I walked up toward the commissary and saw Terri B. We talked for a bit until Chris arrived. Then we went inside. Chris started shopping while I talked to Chris S. Actually, I ended up talking to lots of people I know. The commissary is like a community meeting place on Sunday afternoon. We got our groceries and went home. Chris and I put them away and then I changed out of my dress.
I called Myra and walked out to meet her. It seemed to take awhile to get there with all the crowd. She saw me first. We went inside the little store and she showed me the set of earrings. She said the artist could make a necklace to match. The artist talked to us for a bit and I was ready to order it made, but there were too many people there so we agreed to meet again tomorrow. Scott came inside to see what was the hold up.
Then we walked down the street to the wood-burning guy. Myra and Scott had brought a picture for him to copy, but the man preferred for them to sit. So they sat together. I sat by the artist and watched him create their faces on a wooden oval. It did not look exactly like them, but the image of Myra had an expression on it I could not quite identify. I decided to call it the Myra Lisa.
We walked back to post. Myra went home to get something to eat so I went home to have breakfast. She said to call her when I was ready to go out again, but I did not see the point since we were going back tomorrow.
I enjoyed my breakfast and read some e-mail. Then I got out the mower. I picked some dandelion first, then mowed our lawn and the one next door. When I got to their back yard, they were picking up. It was quite weedy, so I asked if they wanted to harvest anything before I mowed it. They said they were harvesting dog poo so I wouldn't step in it. In my mind I heard a phrase of music: "Scooby-dooby-poo, where are you?..." I had to mow slowly because the weeds were so thick. Then I cleaned out the mower and put it away.
Chris was making supper. He had just pulled the liver out of the oven. I cleaned the dandelion and ate some. I blended up some sprouts and ate them with the liver. I also had some of the cabbage Chris roasted. I read e-mail and looked for new sewing projects for the class or for myself. I listened to some interviews. One recommended magnesium, saying most people are deficient and it leads to leaky gut, thyroid problems and adrenal burnout. I downloaded a free pattern from So-Sew-Easy. It was one that I have had my eye on and it was free for one day.
I discovered that the spaghetti squash was done, so I scooped out some of that and drizzled olive oil on it. Then I jotted notes for my blog, waiting for Chris to get ready to watch TV. Then I heard a sound like gunshots. I put on my shoes and rushed out to see – nothing. I waited, but still nothing. I came back in. Then I heard it again. This time I saw fireworks over the stadium! I ran down to the antenna circle for the best view. It was great. I never get tired of fireworks. When it was over, I came in. Chris was hooking my laptop to the TV. I sat with him and we watched two episodes of Once Upon a Time. During the first episode Myra called to say Sue had invited us to go to the charcoal place tomorrow. I agreed to meet her at 9 at her place.
After the second episode, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to soak my broccoli sprouts, and take my evening supplements and post to my blog.
* With wood-burning, there is no way to erase. Gotta get it right the first time. *

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