Saturday, April 29, 2017

Necklace fixings

I woke up in a flash – a hot flash. I remembered hearing that you can't sleep if your heart rate is above 60, and mine was. So
I tried to lower it through slow breathing. By the time I got it down, there was another flash.
I got up at 8 to take the food waste out to the street for pick-up. Then I went back to bed... Later, Chris got up to work on his laptop. I washed up and got dressed. I made a quart of lemon water and took vitamin C because my nose was stuffy.
I read an article on 40hz flashing lights helping to activate microglia in the brain. So I looked on Youtube for such a video. The first one I tried had comments from people that counted the hz and said it was only 10. So I tried another one. This one had the comments disabled. So I tried again. This one was audio rather than video, but it worked for listening while reading e-mail. And it had good comments. I read an article about an application for a permit for GE diamondback moths being released into a field of brassica. The females were modified to die if not given tetracycline. The permit was too long to read. But I did searches and did not see where they are planning to study the predators of the moths. What I saw indicated that they assumed no significant harmful effects based on some earlier study. I could tell from the comments that most people hadn't read the study parameters.
I looked for coffee pots on Amazon. I did not find the exact one I had, but there was a replacement pot that had the right dimensions. I added it to my cart, but I needed more to make an order. So I looked at a few other things, and found some slide oil to add to the cart. It still wasn't enough, but I didn't want to waste more time on Amazon.
Chris put a load of laundry in the washer. We discussed genetic engineering , then he went to work. I went outside to water all the plants. I came in to make and eat breakfast. I made a new batch of spice mix for breakfast. I read e-mail while I ate, but my laptop was running very slowly.
After making some headway on e-mail, I went into the kitchen and saw the potatoes I bought at the market yesterday. I cut them up into cubes and stuck them on skewers, then stuck the skewers into a piece of styrofoam. I placed it outside where the potato chunks could get lots of air and (hopefully) not get eaten before they dried. They are intended to be beads, not to be eaten.
Chris came home from work. He took the last of the winter plants outside. I cleaned the window sill. Then we put the tension rod back up.
It was such a nice day that I texted Dynee to see if she wanted to go for a walk. But she was an hour out of town. I called Myra to see if Scott would like to use our rolling walker. She wanted to go for a walk. While we were waiting, I watered Dynee's flowers, then ran back inside for a plastic bag to pick up garbage. When I came out, Myra was talking to Chris. The three of us walked the trail, picking up garbage here and there, and remarking on the fence that can't keep the wild pigs out.
Then Myra went home and we walked uphill to our house. Dynee was home, but then they went to see a movie. Chris heated up pork in the oven for supper. Then he set the oven to self-clean. We opened all the windows. He had to take down the smoke alarms because they screeched so loudly.
I read some e-mail, then fixed Chris' tie, which needed just a few stitches. I cut a strip from a piece of green stretchy fabric to straighten the edge. Then I cut a one inch strip from the trimming. I joined the two together. I wrapped a piece of wire around a chopstick to shape it, but then I couldn't get it off. Chris was watching Small Soldiers at the time. He pulled it off with his leatherman. I greased the chopstick with coconut oil, and then made another wire wrap. It was stuck too, but I was able to get it off myself with the leatherman. For the third wrap, I used a metal chopstick. It came off easier. I bent each one to hang in a v-shape. Then I threaded them onto the green strips, which curled up on themselves nicely. I sat in my sewing room to figure out how to make my new necklace hang so I could finish the ends. I went back to my laptop to look up how the ends should be finished. I got hooked on seeing rope necklaces on Pinterest.
When 8 o'clock came, I told Chris I was ready to watch TV. So he hooked up my laptop to the TV, but it was running so slowly that Netflix wasn't loading. I washed an apple and an orange to eat while it loaded. But then Chris had to hook his laptop to the TV. We watched three episodes, which we often do. But the third one ended in such a cliffhanger, that Chris agreed we could watch a fourth one. Then he was getting cold from the windows being open. I closed some of them while he put the smoke alarms back up. Then we dressed the bed with clean sheets. I tried to check e-mail but it was too slow. So I typed up my blog, hoping to post it with no problems.

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