Monday, December 31, 2018

He's just here for the beer

I had a hard time falling asleep, even with earplugs. But there was no noise keeping me awake. I did some tapping on issues of the day. I woke up early to use the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep. Cecily got up early to do laundry, which did not help. Chris got up first and went upstairs in his pajamas. I got up to brush and swish and sew. Then I got dressed and carried my breakfast box upstairs. I made breakfast and ate it in the living room where the food channel was showing. When I finished eating, I picked up my breakfast box to carry it downstairs. Cecily and Marie rushed out to go to the grocery store. I wanted to go along, but she was in a hurry. I put my breakfast box away and sat down to read e-mail. Chris came down to cut his toenails and get dressed.
I heard the ladies come back from the store. I finished what I was doing and jotted notes for my blog then went upstairs so I would not miss the next trip to a food store. I took my laptop and sat at the dining room table to read e-mail. I took a hormone quiz. The resulting report said I was estrogen deficient. I don't that that is my problem.
Marie asked me to go to the Asian supermarket because I had expressed an interest in kimchi. We had fun roaming the aisles looking at odd foods. We saw bags labeled 'dried fungus'. They were mushrooms and surely the titles sounded better in whatever language they were originally printed it. When we checked out, the checkout clerk gave me a lovely Chinese calendar.
When we got back, I finished listening to an interview on hormonal balance. I watched another one and a TEDx talk on EFT. While listening, I watched Al put screws in all the chair backs to stabilize then. I looked up non-drug treatments for essential tremor. I found herbs, homeopathic remedies, ultrasound, and a wearable device.
Cecily told me that supper would be ready in 10 minutes. I went downstairs to take some digestive enzymes. Then I went upstairs to notify Michele in the computer room that we were getting ready for supper. Food began to appear on the table so I moved my laptop from the table, and sat down. The others gathered around and Chris said the prayer.
The main course was chicken cacciatori. (I can't spell that and neither can spell check). We also had iceberg salad, grilled broccoli and cauliflower and noodles, but Cecily had a bit of rice for me. It was all good. We ate leisurely. Then Marie brought in the leftover cake and icecream. I skipped that.
Then around 8, Brian appeared. When I had told him on Friday I didn't like beer, he had taken it as a challenge. So tonight he showed up with 5 beers, arranged in order of decreasing sweetness. First was a strawberry beer brewed in an open vat with ambient yeast. It was actually good. If he hadn't said it was beer, I would have called it a wine cooler. Second was a similar beer, peach flavored. Then the big bottle. I don't remember what it was called, but it wasn't good and when he tasted it, he said something was wrong with it. So then we moved on to the last two. I don't remember much about them except that I did not like them. We were all tasting the beers, except for Cecily. Brian asked us to hold on to our samples of the last beer and he added some of the strawberry beer to it. It was better that way, but the strawberry was best on its own, imho.
Cecily went to bed, we stayed up a little longer. Then Marie retired. We continued to talk until Brian had to leave, saying he would be back tomorrow with other samples. Apparently he is a brewer so he understands these things.
Chris was a little tipsy, probably because each time I tasted some beer, I poured the rest in his glass. That made him amorous. Michele decided to leave the room. Al turned on the TV to watch a football game. Chris and I went downstairs. We both brushed our teeth and he went to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog.

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