Sunday, February 9, 2020

Beware of carrots

I got up at 7:30. I brushed and swished and took a shower. I checked the weather, then put on a dress. I washed dishes, and did some sewing. At 9 I left for church. I arrived a little early for the choir warm-up. I talked to people before and after singing. Doris showed us an afghan that she made. She said it took an hour to do each inch.
I sat in the pew and waited for Don. His hair was sticking up and I tried to calm it down. I handed him an envelop for his offering. During the service, the pastor talked about Jesus telling his disciples that they are salt and light. After the service, I helped Don put money in the envelop and I took it up to the offering plates. I moved the money to the safe. I told Don I would be absent next week, but that many people would watch over him. One person showed me her giving statement and said there was a check missing. I promised to look into it.
Then I went home. I took vitamin C, changed my clothes, boiled water for nuts, and took the fat-soluble supplements. Then Chris and I went to Publix. The parking lot was crowded so he dropped me off. I submitted bags and styrofoam for recycling. Then we shopped for groceries. When we got home, we put the food away. Then he prepared a lamb roast while I made my breakfast. I read some e-mail as I ate. Then I texted Stacey to see if she wanted to do something. I got out the stuff we dug up yesterday and planted some of it in pots. Stacey came over and helped me plant the rest. We used dirt from pots whose occupants had died. But in the digging, I found carrots that I thought were dead. I showed them to Chris and he said they probably were carrots. I washed them off and tasted it. I offered him some and he took a bite. Then I ate the rest, saving the top for replanting.
When Stacy and I were done planting, we walked to the Express. She asked if I wanted to see the PX and I said yes, so we walked over there. We roamed around the store. I picked out a trowel and a packet of seeds. She got a diet coke. Then we went into the commissary to look around. Finally we walked back to our neighborhood. We'd been gone for hours and it was getting dark.
When I got in the house, I could smell the lamb cooking. It was appetizing. I took the mid-afternoon supplement and went to the bathroom. Then I wasn't feeling so good. I read, hoping to take my mind off of it, but eventually the heaves came. When they were done, I drank some water. I laid down, but the heaves came again. I drank more waer and laid down. But it wasn't over. This time Chris threw up too. We both took activated charcoal. I read some more, but the charcoal did not stay down. I took more. Chris' came up, too. Trying to read my book, my stomach interrupted 5 or 6 times. I lost count. I apologized to Chris for offering him a bite of the carrot.
Around 9, I told him I was ready to watch TV. But he had put the food away uneaten and was coming to bed. We cuddled for awhile and might have fallen asleep, but my legs started cramping. So I had to get up and take some magnesium. I decided to write to my blog before going back to bed. Chris couldn't sleep so he got up too. Before I go to back to bed, I offer one piece of advice - beware of carrots.
* These are apparently not carrots. *

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