Friday, February 7, 2020

Messy or much improved?

I got up at 8:15, waiting for the alarm to go off, and then remembering that it had, but I ignored it. I took the first supplement, then brushed and swished. I soaked the sprouts. I lit the candle and put it in the bathroom. I looked at glass teapots on Amazon and at Target. The ones on Amazon are half the price of Target. I made a belt from a curtain tie-back.
I got a text that Judy was stopping by to bring me something. So I cleaned up, which meant mostly shoved stuff in closets. When I was done, it was messy to the untrained eye, but Chris would surely notice. I pulled wilted stems from the bouquet, and placed it on the coffee table. When Judy came by, she handed me a wooden foot pedal adapter that her husband made. I gave her money. She pointed out snow
flakes. They were hard to see, kind of like dandruff.
I took supplements on schedule. I made more spice mix. I looked at different brands of NMN. I placed an order for that and a teapot. I made and ate breakfast, then meditated for 15 minutes. I bundled up against the cold, and went for a half hour walk.
When I got back, I tried to call Chris to make sure he was going by the post office. I took the midafternoon supplement. Chris came home, having gone by the post office, but not finding any packages. He told me he was going gaming tonight. I called Dad. He said the caregiver left early. I called Faye. She was stopping for gas so couldn't talk. I did something, and then Faye called back. We talked about options for Dad when his physical therapy appointments have ended. I looked for senior balance classes near him. After the call, I ate a big salad for supper, and made vitamin water. I finished listening to some audios while sipping vitamin water every 5 minutes. I messaged with Gwenda for a bit, then listened to a tapping audio.
After that, I watched two episodes of Royal Pains, and used the massage ball on my shoulders and legs. I made up five days worth of detox mix, then washed my dishes. I started writing my blog. Gwenda messaged me again. Chris came home from gaming. I finished my blog post and got ready for bed. I have been doing a bit of yoga each night and that helps me relax.
* This is the 'after' picture. *

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