Friday, February 21, 2020

Sunny but cold

I woke up hearing Chris' alarm. I took the vinegar bag off of the shower head and went back to bed, but couldn't sleep. After he showered, dressed and left for work, I put on the box fan to dry out the bathroom and the shower head.
I yelled in the mirror to get out my frustrations. I composed an e-mail. I took supplements. I swished quickly with salt water, then did the regular brushing and swishing. I searched again for the missing seam binding. I took more supplements. I turned on the router and checked e-mail. I unsubscribed from some, not certain it does any good. I swished with salt water again throughout the day.
After more searching, I found the second package. I sewed it to the edge of the fraying strip. I looked up ways to stabilize the other fraying side before attaching it to the garment. It was kind of heavy for a french seam.
I listened to episode 3 of Supplements Revealed while making and eating breakfast. I ate a bunch of kimchi because Dr. Grace is going to give me more next week and I want to return the container. I had to choose between walking when the sun is highest and walking when it is the warmest. I chose the highest and went for a walk after breakfast. Then I listened to more of the episode and ironed fusible strips to the fraying strip edge. I called Dad several times but got a busy signal. I sat outside reading to enjoy the sunshine. But the cold chased me inside all too soon.
I finished sewing the strip to the bottom of the yellow garment. I encased the edges in yellow tulle to contain fraying. Chris came home. I finished the edge of the outer garment, and hung it up for a pic. I looked in the garage for more sewing trims. Chris left to go gaming. I found a package on the front porch (which contained supplements).
I made and ate supper while watching three episodes of Royal Pains. I enjoyed that so much. Then I watched two episodes of IT Crowd. That wasn't as good. I meditated with Deepak, then started watching the next episode of Supplements Revealed. Chris came home and went to bed. I took notes for Jennifer. Then I paused it after the first speaker and wrote my blog post and retired for the night.

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