Friday, February 28, 2020

The miracle massage

I woke up just before my alarm went off. I brushed my teeth, took the first supplements, then swished. I tried to che e-mail, but Yahoo was really slow. So I moved it to another browser. That seemed to speed it up, at least for awhile. I wondered if I should take a sewing machine to Renegades on Sunday. I was still having light twinges and they had me worried. So I tested the weight of the machine in the case, and the featherweight. I didn't sense much difference. But there was a sewing project in there from the last Renegades meeting. I opened it up, intending to add borders, but discovered that some (most) of the seams weren't quite right, and practically nil in two spots. So I took a bunch of stitches out and pinned the edges together correctly.
I research supplements and prices, needing to replace a supplement that is running out. I did some tapping for feeling of wax stuck to my teeth. I keep wanting to clamp down on it and squeeze it down to size, but that would probably break my temporary crown.
I listened to the next episodes of the tapping summit. I made and ate breakfast. I discovered that there was a bonus interview, so I listened to that and sent a message to Nell so she wouldn't miss it. I watched two ABC's of supplementation videos while I sewed the pinned strips and pressed them.
I took a short walk because it was too cold to take a longer one. The temp wasn't horrible, but the wind chill made it much worse. After the walk, I went to the post office to pick up mail. There was nothing important.
From there, I went to see my massage therapist. I brought a book in case I had to wait, but she took me right away. We stood around talking for about 45 minutes, mostly about the coronavirus. Then she left while I undressed and laid face down on the table. When she came back, she started on my right side, pushing into my back with one finger. She really gave it a workout. I kept thinking the muscle was going to give warning twinges, but it didn't. She spent most of the hour working on my back, covering it with magnesium cream. After the massage, there were no twinges, much to my surprise. I went to her office to pay her. She said next time I have an episode, I should call her. If she has time, she will come to my house and release the muscles that are forcing the disks to pinch the nerve. Wow!
On the way home, I stopped at the little Asian store for coconuts, mushrooms and a pummelo. When I got home, I put on an interview from the summit, and ate the pommelo. It was a lot like a grapefruit. I also had some seed crackers and a handful of nuts. I was tired of chicken. For some reason, he made three baking dishes full of chicken and chorizo. And he's not here to eat it.
After supper, I checked e-mail again. I continued to look for the best price on an equivalent product that I needed to order. The next day of the tapping summit was posted and I started listening. I paused it to watch two episodes of Royal Pains. Then I wrote my blog post, took supplements and got ready for bed.
* I think it needs black borders. What do you think? *

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