Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tag, I'm it

I got up about 9, and took the first supplement. Then I got some coconut oil and went back to bed. Chris gave me a full-body massage. It was great, but then I forgot to brush and swish.
I spent the next hour writing checks and putting sympathy notes in cards, then addressing and stamping them. I made a donation on Faye's behalf in memory of our cousin David.
I checked e-mail, got dressed, and made breakfast.
After eating, I loaded my machine in the trunk, and headed out to Sew Day with the Modern Quilt Guild. I brought the box for collecting dog bed scraps. I took Holmes to Pulaski to Oakwood and soon I was there. I rolled my machine inside the store and the sales man pointed out the classroom where the guild was meeting. I set up beside Vicki. The project of the day was to make nametags. I walked around looking at what others had done. Lunch arrived and the ladies gathered to eat. I talked to Vicki for awhile, then went to the notions table and selected some fabric. Diane had written my name on a piece of paper so I stitched through the paper onto stabilized fabric. Then I added borders and a backing. Vicki and her friends kept me entertained as I worked. When the name tag was finished, I made tops for towels. They found that funny because it looked like something else to them. All too soon, it was time to pack up. The store closed at 3. But right across the parking lot was a thrift store for the Downtown Mission. I walked through it hoping to find seam binding or trim. When there wasn't any, I drove to the Humane Society thrift shop. They had lots of fabric and yarn and stuff, but no seam binding. So I went to one more thrift shop. I found a small piece of gold gauzy fabric. The lady asked for 10 cents but I gave her a dollar.
Finally I went home. I took the mid-afternoon supplement. I asked Chris to get me a box from the garage. Sadly it was not the box of trims. I don't know what happened to it. I put on a podcast and experimented with how to attach a band to the costume. I handsewed some yellow netting to the raw edges of the costume. Then I ate ham and salad for supper. Afterward, I cleared stuff from my cutting table into a box. Then I laid out the soft purple fabric. I finally had enough room to make a cross-wise cut.
Then Chris finished his 8pm kill. We sat on the couch and watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. It was, as always, an emotional experience. Chris had laundered the sheets earlier in the day. So after the show, I put on the pillowcases and he put on the fitted sheet. Then we dressed the bed with covers. I took another round of supplements, brushed and swished, and wrote my blog post. Then it was time to get ready for bed.

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