Sunday, February 2, 2020

Flowers for David

I knocked over a glass jar in the bathroom last night and it shattered. Chris swept it up with a dustpan, but I had to vacuum to make sure we got all the pieces. And still there were more. Finally I went to bed.
My alarm woke me at 7:30. I shut it off and got up to get ready for church. I chose a green dress first, then decided on a longer one with a black background. I started listening to a podcast while taking supplements. I headed out just after nine.
When I got to church, the organ was playing and I thought I was late for choir. But only a handful of men had assembled. Several people offered their condolences. I noticed the flowers were very pretty. Then more ladies came. Roz was sick, but Jennifer insisted that she stand with the rest of us and mouthe the words. After running through the song several times, practice was over. I took a pic of the flowers. Barbara mentioned that they were nicer than usual. She offered her condolences as well.
I was holding up pretty well until I read the note in the bulletin about how the flowers were in memory of David Wagner. Somehow seeing it in print brought the tears on. Don decided to walk across the sanctuary to say hello to Jennifer. So I took his hand and made sure he didn't fall.
After we got back to our pew, I gave him an envelop and he put cash in it. Then the service started. Lars did the announcements. And Don L led the service. During the sermon he wanted us all to sing the chorus of a song called “We'll meet again” popularized by Vera Lynn. That brought on more tears.
After the service, Paige came over to say something sympathetic. Her husband Tim was right behind, moving the offering to a safe place. Somehow he got near the flowers and they fell down. Although they looked like they were inside the vase, they were actually in foam in a shallow dish on top of the vase, and precariously balanced. The two of them picked up the flowers and took them to the small kitchen in back. I went to the other side of the sanctuary to take a pic of the sister bouquet. I asked Jennifer if she would like to have them and she said she could divide it up and take some to each nursing home she visits this week. I took the first one with me to my car and perched it in the front passenger seat. Then I drove home.
At home, I changed clothes and then we made a shopping list and went to Publix. When we got back, we unpacked the groceries, and ate some ham. I wanted seed crackers but they were all gone. I put my sewing machine in the car and went to Renegades. But I needn't have bothered with the machine. Some ladies were putting binding on quilts, but I was recruited to help cut batting. And there were a lot of quilt tops with backings that needed batting. After two hours, we had gone through two big rolls of batting. I vacuumed the fellowship hall while the other ladies packed up the fabric and tables. Then I went home.
I took the midafternoon supplement and went for a walk. I decided to walk through the woods to see what might be flowering. Nothing was, but I got a twig in my eye. When I got back, Chris didn't see any scratches, but I washed it with soap and water anyway. Then I sat outside and read for a while. I also left the doors open because it was in the 60's. When I came in, I laid down for a bit but never quite fell asleep. When I got up, I ate some bean soup, and a little of the yogurt. I made a batch of seed crackers. I made Chris a loaf of bread. I also blended cooked pumpkin with coconut cream. It was quite tasty.
Then we watched the first episode of Picard. CBS wanted us to subscribe to watch the second episode, so we watched Call the Midwife again. I did not realize it was going to be an extra-long episode. Chris went to bed afterward and I stayed up to blog.
* A number of people remarked how the flowers looked particularly good this morning. *

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