Thursday, February 20, 2020

Where IS that seam binding?

I forgot to take my phone into the bedroom last night, so I had no idea how late it was (9am!) when I got up. It was raining, again, so there was no inspiration to get out of bed. I took a supplement, then brushed and swished. I brought in some newspapers that were lying on the front porch. I removed them from the bags. I put the bags over the shower head in the master bathroom. It was a snug fit. Then I got a cup of vinegar from the kitchen and poured it in, submerging the head. I secured it with a twist tie and left it to dissolve the black stuff growing on it. I hope I remember to take it off before Chris takes a shower tomorrow.
I trimmed the flower stems and gave them fresh water. I cleaned up some clutter in the kitchen. I looked for AAA batteries for the blood pressure machine I got at a yard sale. I didn't find any so I wrote it on the list. I listened to a podcast while I deleted e-mail. The speaker talked about good gut bacteria, and mentioned crickets as one of the foods that helps. Silvia sent me pictures of placemats on her table. They looked nice there.
It was a little after 11 when I started making breakfast. I ate it at my laptop. It took longer than I thought, and when I looked up, it was noon already. I decided to bring a hand project and leave my machine at home. I did not want to drag it through the mud and rain. I put my coat on and left the house, but quickly decided it was too cold and wet to be worth the trip.
I spent some time looking for better prices for practitioner's supplements. Other sites had the same things but under different names. It was a tedious process to compare labels. After I made a purchase, I tried laying on the long foam roller, and circling my arms. It was a good stretch but I wasn't certain my spine was happy teetering on the roller, so I kept it short.
I figured out what I wanted to do with the hem for Chris' costume. I cut some strips and joined them together with netting so that the designs matched up. Then I wanted purple seam binding for the very edge, but the piece I had left was a little too short. I knew I had bought two packages, so I looked high and low for the other one, but with no success. I thought I could make up the difference with homemade binding, but did not have the right shade to pull it off.
Chris came home about 4. He had no packages with him. He said something about getting an interview for a job in Romania. At my request, he tried on the costume pants and demonstrated that they were not too tight to sit in. I pinned up one pantleg to the appropriate length. I listened to a podcast and did some pinning and sewing. I made the same supper as last night. I used the massage ball while listening to another podcast on 5G. I put some of the packages from Nuts.Com away.
At 7, my tapping buddy called. We tapped for my boundary issues, and we shared stories. Afterward, I took some supplements and sat down with Chris to watch Call the Midwife. It was part 2 of a Christmas special. When it was over, I took more supplements, and wrote my blog post. Chris went to bed. After brushing and taking the last supplement, I did a few yoga stretches and went to bed.
* I think this is an example of thread-painting that Carole showed at the meeting on Tuesday. *

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