Friday, February 19, 2021

Growing cabbage from leaves?

I fell asleep listening to the headphones. I woke up when the tracks cycled back. I fell asleep again, but woke up with hot flashes when Chris' alarm went off. I stayed in bed hoping to go back to sleep.

I got up before 8 to make lemon juice. I rinsed the sprouts. I called up the next episode of the vaccine summit: The immune system is extremely complex. Viruses help us adapt to our environment. The current vaccines will interfere with their ability to help us, and set future generations up for sensitivity to viruses that haven't bothered us before. Autoimmune conditions will proliferate. Affecting the adaptive immune system without the intelligence of the innate immune system will upset the balance. Most people don't know that they have the right to refuse the experimental vaccine. An experimental vaccine cannot be mandated. Cochrane said you are 6 times more likely to transmit the flu if you have had the flu shot. Also you are 4.4x more likely to get a non-flu infection after the shot. Tylenol is deadly to the liver.

I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire. It was short because the host lives in Texas and has been dealing with frozen pipes and power outages. He talked about the FDA not having a reporting system in place to record any adverse effects from the experimental vaccines.

I cleaned up mess on the back porch from the food waste container being blown around. I looked at a website for growing plants from the food waste (carrot greens from carrot tops, sprouted garlic, seeds from tomatos and peppers, cabbage from rooting cabbage leaves). All very interesting.

I went to the post office and retrieved the mail. I stirred the manure tea, which was partially frozen. I scooped out a little for my tomato plant. I watched videos on vermiculture, and composting. I heated supper and watched more videos. The bowl I had put in the freezer broke. I was surprised because I thought the water would expand upward and overflow the bowl if necessary.

I made my evening drink. We watched four episodes of Community. I listened to James Corbett talk about how to explain to people about the conspiracy of the one world order. He ended up by saying that no matter how much evidence you present, most people will conclude that it isn't true because they can't believe it.

After posting to my blog, I got ready for bed.

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