Thursday, February 25, 2021


Somehow I slept through Reveille this morning, and only woke up when I heard Chris take his shower. I put on the headphones and tried to sleep a little longer. I got up around 8 or so. My back was doing just fine after all the activity of yesterday.

I had a meditation and detox morning. I made coffee and that gave me the energy to clean house. I did not mop the floors, but I could have since Chris did not come home for lunch. I vaccuumed in the livingroom and the hall and the bedroom and the den. I took a shower and gave myself a haircut with the inch and a half clips. I vaccuumed up the hair for use in the flower beds. Then I bundled up and walked to the post office for the mail, but there wasn't any.

I watched the remaining videos from the EFT summit while putting together pieces of online puzzles. I started making breakfast for supper about the same time that Chris came home and made rice for his supper. He listened to Michele and her friends game online. I got chilly so I put on a coat. We checked the thermostat and it indicated a low battery. Chris did not think it would affect the output of heat.

While I ate my breakfast, I watched a QnA with Dr. Lyons-Weiller: ( Mutations are escaping detection by the PCR test so people infected by the mutations are not isolated. Scientists didn't think the synthetic mRNA could cause changes in the DNA, but a recent study suggests that it could lead to changes under certain conditions.

I made my evening drink, and soaked the sprouts. We watched three episodes of Community, then I brushed my teeth, and listened to an audio from the tapping summit. Finally I wrote my blog post and got ready for bed.

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