Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Growing up

Having followed the same protocol as yesterday, I was disappointed at not having slept as well as the night before. I waited until some time after the alarm went off to get up. I had forgotten to put my phone in airplane mode and had left it in the dining room.

I prepared for a meditation and detox morning: exercising, drybrushing, making coffee, swishing with coconut oil, and putting on a 6-CD line-up. While meditating, I remembered that it was time to write the monthly checks.

By the time Chris came home for lunch, I had cleaned both bathrooms and was working on the kitchen. He brought me a large box from the front porch. It contained extra filters for the air purifier. A man stopped by with the results of a water test. I stayed in the kitchen because I was still wearing my nightgown. When I finished in the kitchen, I took a shower and got dressed. I wrote the monthly checks. I turned off the heat and opened a window in each room I walked to the post office to mail them. When I got back, the temp was going down. So I turned on the ceiling fans and set the timer for 30 minutes. I watched part of NTD newscast, then, when the timer went off, turned off the ceiling fans, closed the windows and turned the heat back on. I went back to the newscast, which seemed pretty evenhanded, until the doorbell rang. A man came to put a new water filter in the fridge. It took him 5 minutes just to open the package because it was wrapped so tightly in tough plastic. After he left, I finished the video, and checked e-mail.

I played the audio from the Global Research News Hour while I made and ate breakfast (at supper time). Notes below. I scooped the seeds out of a papaya and ate the orange part. I researched vertical gardens, thinking that might be the solution to gopher predation. I came across a lovely arrangement, seen here. I was looking for something that uses stuff I already have.

Then I made my evening drink and rinsed the sprouts. We watched a movie called Runaway with Tom Selleck. (Hmmm, run away with Tom Selleck? But I digress.) Afterward, I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post. I may read some more before going to bed.


The Pfizer and Moderna shots are experimental products, not licensed, or approved, only authorized for emergency use. Such authorization is given at the lowest bar: presumed benefits must outweigh presumed risks. Therefore the less you know about a vaccine, the easier it is to get authorization. There have been 30 reports of Bells Palsy. Neither the lipid nanoparticle nor the mRNA has ever been licensed before. Each vaccine contains a variation of the spike protein, about 4000 nuecleotides. There are a number of amino acid squences on the spike protein that are identical to human proteins. Parts of the spike protein are toxic, so the spike may not be the safest part of the virus to use. Laws passed after 911 took liability from the designers, producers, shippers, and innoculators of emergency use vaccines. The lawmakers gave themselves immunity at the same time. Norway is sayiing people with a short time left to live should not get the vaccine. Covid is treatable. Ivermectin has now been recognized as an appropriate treatment by the FDA. (I think this was a Canadian show because at the end it was all in French.)

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