Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Such a nice day

.Apparently the combination of supplements and sleep tracks worked. I slept through the night and woke up with my alarm at 7:30. I had no trouble getting out of bed and starting my day. I made a lemon juice solution. I washed up and got dressed. I read by the Happylight. I rinsed and cooked the lentils that refused to sprout.

I turned on the router and checked e-mail. I read articles, and watched a video of Barbara Low Fisher. I looked through my blog for a pic of my sewing machine to send to a guy who sells parts. I played Day 4 of a meditation and breathwork series. I sanitized two masks. Yesterday I had put a seed mix in a mason jar with a sprouting lid to soak overnight. Today I rinsed the seeds and set them to drain. I watched a movie called “Thrive” at Thriveondotcom:

After finishing the lemon juice protocol, I made and ate breakfast. I watched a video of our post medic talking about deciding to get vaccinated. Another e-mail from the same source informed me that all rent on post is going up.

I assembled ingredients for the bread machine, then walked to the chapel. I gave the CD of hymns to the chapel assistant. When Elaine arrived, we discussed music and tried playing a hymn together on the piano. She suggested that next time I play trombone. We discussed current events and had a lovely chat She gave me a ride home.

It was such a nice day that I turned off the heat and opened some windows. I raked several boxes full of leaves and dumped them in the back yard. I spread them around and put dirt on top to hold them in place. Some of the grass under the leaves was still green and I glimpsed dandelion in there.

At 5 I went inside. I rubbed some vitamin C on the rash. I was making supper when Chris came home. He turned on the heat, and closed the windows. I made a salad for supper. After cutting up a carrot, I stuck the carrot top in a saucer of water to sprout. After a few more articles, I made my evening drink, and we watched three episodes of Community. Then I wrote my blog post thinking of getting ready for bed

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