Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

For some reason I did not turn on the mp3 headphones last night, but I did fall asleep. I don't remember waking up during the night, only when I heard bloops coming from Chris' phone in the morning. Later he told me it was Herberth sending him pictures. He got up and took his phone out to the dining room.

I stayed in bed for awhile, then got up myself. I made hydrogen water in the salad dressing bottle. The pressure pushed the pop top up so I had to hold it down while the tablet dissolved. It worked much better than the bigger bottle with glass beads in it.

I read Phillipians 2 by the Happylight because the chaplain told me it was the scripture for today. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail, then soaked seeds. I started cleaning the snow off of Chris' car. He finished the job and drove us to the chapel. We only had a few minutes before the service. Mike played his guitar for the first three songs. After the sermon, the last song was a recording. There wasn't much singing so I guess it was new to the others as well. I talked to Eileen, and then we went home

I made and ate breakfast, then listened to first episode of the trauma summit. Afterward, there were other, shorter videos. My back was feeling so good that I hung two pictures in the beddroom. I called Dad and Faye but no one answered. I went for a walk and suddenly my back did not feel so good. What's up with that?

When I got back, I called Faye and then Dad. Her phone turned low. But I got to talk to both of them. Chris cooked asparagus and mushrooms for me. I made a small salad as well, and added some fish. For dessert, I opened a coconut with a hammer. The kitchen floor needed cleaning anyway.

I watched the next episode of V-revealed. Then I made my evening drink and we watched episodes of Community. Later I looked up the theme song. Then I finished the bonus interview with Dr. Buttar: Autistic children have toxic mercury levels because they are poor excreters. Finally I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

* My friend Beverly made this. Isn't it beautiful! *

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