Sunday, February 14, 2021

Heart soup

Last night, after listening to the headphones, I slept ok. When I woke up, it was raining, but that soon changed to snow. I made lemon juice, then washed up and got dressed. I washed the dirty dishes in the sink. I drained and rinsed the seeds that were soaking overnight. I cut up the food waste in the compost container.

Chris gave me a massage, then I started writing a post for the next class project. I had to ask Chris a question, but he was at the commissary. I called Cecily to ask how to treat an oil stain, and she said she uses Spray and Wash for everything. I didn't have any so I asked Chris to hang my red top up to dry when it came out of the wash.

I took a shower and got dressed. I took notes on Dr. O'Bryan's talk. I checked e-mail, then listened to episode 2 of the Trauma summit.

I checked out the Baker Creek seed catalogue. I made and ate breakfast, then finalized my seed order. I finished and posted the class announcement. I wrote some e-mail responses. I read articles, then walked to the post office and came back with some letters.

Chris made heart soup for supper. I made a salad to go with it. I listened to the next episode of the vaccine summit. Then I made my evening drink and we dressed the bed. We watched 3 episodes of Community. Then I finished the vaccine summit episode and posted to my blog.

Notes: Vaccines still contain mercury but since they now use it in the manufacturing process, they can claim they don't add mercury anymore. This was brought to light in a congressional investigation. Babies are innoculated before they are able to sero-convert, so there is no benefit and those shots include mercury, formaldehyde, etc. A true vaccine does not need a booster shot because once the immune system is trained, you never need to do it again.

Zinc in the cell inhibits viral shedding. Zinc needs an escort like quinine (which is in HCQ, and tonic water). Supplements for the 4 phases: Prevention: Vit D, vit C, melatonin, quercetin, fish oils, rainbow diet, high potassium diet. Infection phase: mushrooms, berberine, echinacea, goldenseal (but not for escalating inflammation). For inflammation: NAC, glutathione, curcumin, bromelain. Recovery phase: anything already mentioned.

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