Sunday, February 28, 2021

Weird snow

I took half a supplement and used the headphones. I slept ok last night, but still not like that one night last week. I got up at 9:30. I juiced a lemon and got my day started.

I listened to an interview with Cilla Whatcot, a lady with a Phd in homeopathy. She said India was using homeoprophylaxis very successfully. She did an observational study with 500 people, treating them preventatively. Only nine tested positive for covid, only 5 had symptoms, and all were mild.

I read an article pointing out the inaccuracies of a book Bill Gates wrote on how to avoid climate disaster. It is unsurprising since he dropped out of college, with no degree in computer science, much less any degree in climatology or agroecology. All his solutions are geared around technology that he is funding and will profit from such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified seeds and soil microbes. These are designed to produce higher yielding mono crops that can be sold to other countries, not unpatented diverse crops to feed the people who grow them. Gates promotes the Impossible Burger, a bleeding veggie burger based on GMO soy, as well as lab-grown cell-based meats, as the solution to sustainability.

Chris gave me a massage, and we showered and got dressed. While I was cutting up food trimmings to go in the compost, I heard what sounded like rain. When I looked outside, it was as if it had rained laundry detergent. The snow was in tiny clumps. I took a short video at the back door. It snowed like this several short times during the day. (It was 50 degrees outside. This was not ice.)

I made and ate breakfast. I chose a project for next Saturday. I measured pieces, and wrote a set of directions. I looked for flat magnets so I could try out the project, but did not find any. I sewed squares for the heart block. I got the middle top square wrong several times. I walked to the post office, picked up a DVD from Netflix, and brought it home to Chris. I poured manure tea in a hole some critter dug, and filled it with dirt. I buried food scraps in the compost pile, and brought in the chicken wire to form a circle (but never got around to that).

I listened to a video from the Bodyelectric summit. I had heart stew for supper, and made a salad from the leaves of the red beets. I worked puzzles while listening, then Chris wanted to work on taxes. I looked for last year's check register but did not find it. I went back to my laptop and went through the first tapping summit interview for today. Afterward, I made my evening drink, and we watched 3 or 4 episodes of Community.

I istened to a talk by Robert F Kennedy Jr. on the dangers of the CIA and how we are losing our constitutional liberties. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

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