Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Quilt Guild vs Townhall

I put on my headphones last night, but they shut off 10 minutes later due to low battery. That was odd because I had just charged it on Saturday. I woke early, hearing Chris move around the house. It seemed earlier than his usual waking time and my head was ringing from the router being back on.

I got up about 7:30 and started my day with a squeeze of lemon. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail. I listened to a video of Dr. Anthony Phan who said he used to give his older patients flu shots, but so many reported getting sick afterward, that he stopped and started reading the studies.

I started making breakfast. Chris came home with packages from the post office. I finished breakfast and ate it. I charged my headphones and loaded the next track.

At 1 I tapped with Gail. At 2, I watched a video measuring years of life lost, which is small for the coronavirus because most people are elderly, but large for people affected by the lockdowns. CDC claimed the Pfizer vaccine was highly effective for those who had already recovered from covid, but Rep. Massey (R-Ky) found out that it wasn't true. He called the CDC to fix their assertion that it was effective, but they only restated it, still giving people the wrong impression. Previously infected persons were more likely to have adverse effects from vaccination, and those doses could have been given to those were never infected.

I bundled up and raked the leaf pile in the back yard to keep the composting process going. When I came in, I put supper in the toaster oven. I read some e-mail, then ate an early supper. At 5, I got on Zoom to attend the quilt guild meeting. Chris stopped at home to have a quick supper, then went to the townhall meeting. When my meeting was over, I tuned it to his, but it was essentially over.

I watched the next episode of the vaccine summit. She said the problem is that we are giving the covid shots to the most heavily vaccinated groups so we are seeing lots of pathogenic priming. We watched three episodes of Community. The last one was to be continued, but Chris signed out of Netflix anyway. Then I watched the bonus episode before posting to my blog and going to bed.

* The nearby mountains over the weekend. *

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