Friday, February 5, 2021

UK newscast

We got up just after 9. I put the sprouts in water to soak. I juiced a lemon, and drank the first100ml. Then I dashed off to brush my teeth and get dressed. When I got to my laptop, it was almost 9:30 and time for a tapping call.

During the call, Chris went to work. After the call, I finished the lemon protocol, and made breakfast. I read e-mail. Chris came home around 2. I got ready and we went to Tooele for the usual weekly shopping. On the way back, we stopped at the post office.

When we got home, we put the food away. I made a salad for supper, saving the seeds from the cherry tomatoes before adding them. I listened to an interview on adrenal health. Then I watched a newscast from the UK: A whistleblower in NHS says the Pfizer vaccine depresses the immune system for a week afterward, but no one is telling those people to quarantine for a week so they catch something and die. Death rates in the 60+ crowd has gone up since the vaccinations started. ENT nurse questions the safety of using a 6 inch swab up the nose. Cribriform plate is very delicate and can be damaged. It is the gateway to the brain. Flu has not been reported since week 13 or 14. Apparently wearing a mask stops flu transmission but not covid transmission.

I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and stuck them in the oven. Then I made my evening drink. Chris did not make one. We watched two episodes of Voyagers from a Netflix DVD. Chris turned off the oven when the crackers were done. After the second episode, I finished the UK news report, then wrote up my blog post for today.

* Through Aug 23rd of 2020. This graph shows the difference that changing how the CDC reports deaths due to covid made. Had they not changed it back in March, the total would be much smaller. The deaths WITH a positive covid test but not DUE to covid infection would not have been counted. *

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