Friday, February 26, 2021

Synthetic beef?

I took two capsules of the sleep tincture last night and breathed from the sleep jar. I put on the headphones and fell asleep, but woke up again when it cycled around to the beginning. I fell asleep again and woke at Reveille. I think I dozed off again, but woke with my alarm.

I got up to squeeze a lemon. I had trouble getting the veggie drawer open, and had to sit on the floor to fix it. Then I made the lemon juice solution. I read several pages by the Happylight. I tried going outside for some daylight, but it was far too cold.

I soaked the two batches of sprouts and changed the water in the sweet potatoes. One is sprouting roots and the other is sprouting a stem. I listened to the audios from the tapping summit for Day 3, and checked e-mail. I made breakfast around noon, and listened to part of The Highwire.

I paused it at 1 to meet with one of my tapping buddies. Then I went back to The Highwire. Highlights of today's episode:

Haiti and Africa have far lower rates of covid deaths than we do, and less robust health care systems. In the US, we are plowing under acres of vegetable crops from coast to coast, we are euthanizing cattle, and we are dumping 1000's of gallons of milk, yet the US is importing beef from Namibia. We're importing inferiour quality beef, and repackaging it as US beef. Too much power in too few hands. Bill Gates wants us to shift to synthetic beef.

Around 4 I bundled up and went to the post office, but there was no mail. However, I did find a package at my front door: a new sleep supplement. Since it was cold but not windy, I dug more dirt from the flowerbed, and buried more chicken wire. But then I was cold, so I came inside.

I read e-mail, and listened to a presentation of the power of magnets to rebalance the body on Bodyelectric summit. ( I spent some time sewing shuttle blocks together, then auditioning red fabrics to go around them. I decided on a red, white and blue fabric that has never been right for any other project.

Chris came home around 6. He made his supper and then I made mine. I watched videos from the tapping summit and pieced online puzzles. I made my evening drink and we watched three episodes of Community. Then I finished a few articles, posted to my blog, and got ready for bed.

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