Friday, November 12, 2021

Fasting Day


I went to bed with my mp3 headphones. I had replaced the ear bud with one from the original box. I woke up in the middle of the night to turn it off and wet a towel, then slept until 7ish. I considered trying to get out of bed by myself, but might ruin my record of almost 24 hours without a spasm. So I called out to Chris and he used the backboard to get me upright. I went to the bathroom, then got myself mostly dressed. Chris put on my socks and shoes. I bundled up and walked to the swap shop to lock it. Then I walked to Housing to turn in the key for the property that passed inspection. I extended my walk, cogitating on how to finish cleaning the house in 2.5 hours so that everybody gets an even $10/hour. I arrived back home after 8. Chris left me a lemon. I made lemon water and took vit C with it. I sat down to jot notes, but my back didn't like that, so I stood up and cleaned the stove top. I watered the plants. I refilled Chris' cinnamon bottle. I made more flax/chia mix.

Today's e-mail:

There is no covid-19 emergency among children so the EUA for injections to them is illegal. The efficacy study only looked at 200 kids. Article 3 of new WHO policy says attendance in school implies informed consent. All signatories to the 2005 health regulations will have to implement this by treaty obligation. So you have to take your kids out of school to prevent them being injected.

Top republican on senate armed services committee: The vaccine could render the military unable to accomplish its mission around the globe. 395,000+ across the armed services are leaving due to refusal of the shot. Mostly pilots, special ops forces, and 30% percent of the army. They are thinking of re-instituting the draft. A war with China would help sell that idea. Best time for China to invade Taiwan is in spring, and during Olymipics.

Pharma is testing a new Marburg vaccine as it is expected to be the next pandemic. Pfizer Biontech has a big plant in Marburg Germany where the first cases of Marburg were discovered. Ashley Biden's diary says Joe showered with her as a child. FBI raided Project Veritas (who had already turned over the diary without publishing any of it), saying PV had stolen her diary.

A lady from the vaccine trial explained that getting the second dose was required to stay in the trial. Because she reacted so badly to the first shot, they dropped her from the trial and deleted her information. There has been no follow-up in the past 9 months. She was no longer allowed access to the app for reporting adverse events. App had a list of symptoms and no way to report anything not on the list.

I read e-mail and took breaks to do odd jobs around the house. I submitted two Swansons orders. I folded sheets and blankets. I walked to the post office to get the mail. I vacuumed the den. I played songs from Phantom of the Opera and sang along. I meditated and tapped. I wrote down more cleaning recipes while listening to interviews.

At 5:30 I took my mat and drove to the gym. Diane was already there and Jenni had decided she was too tired. Diane led us in yoga moves and stretches. I had to be really careful, but I survived without spasms. We were in a raquetball court so it was hard to hear each other talk because of the reverberation. When my back had enough, we packed up and went home. When I got home, I went back to cleaning recipes. Chris came home from Mass. We talked about this and that. He suggested that I divide the cleaning payment among my team and not take any for myself. I acknowledged his suggestion. I made tea and we watched the last two episodes of season 5 of Person of Interest. That's all they made. I brushed my teeth, and downloaded a ton of pics from my phone. I deleted some and cropped the rest. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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