Friday, November 5, 2021

One way to start my day


I took an oxycodon at 10 last night, but it did not help. I went to bed around 11:15. My back went from ok to easily triggered spasms. I got shivering fits which did not help. It was a very long and painful night. Chris slept in because he planned to telework so he could be here all day. He got up around 6:30, showered, and went to the office to get his work computer.

We spoke about my condition. He placed towels for me to pee on. He got me some methylcarbomol. I suggested we call EMS to help me get vertical and then see if I needed to go to the hospital. Since I wasn't dressed, I asked for women. He called and soon a lady came over. She stood by my bedside and talked to me until a team could get here. Good thing it wasn't an emergency. Then 6 or 7 people came with a backboard. They helped me onto it, then slid it off the end of the bed and into an upright position. I was glad to be vertical, but my back was iffy. The ladies helped me into the bathroom. They gave me a shot of something that sounded like tramadol, but was non-narcotic anti-inflamatory. I said I needed one of those boards and they said they had extra. I decided not to go to the hospital. They assured me I could call any time of day or night. We both thanked them and they left. I hear they live for this kind of thing because they get so few calls.

So I walked around for a bit, then sat to read e-mail. But trying to get up afterward was problematic. I got dressed and walked in tiny steps to the post office to pick up the mail. I was able to take larger steps on the way back.

Chris called people and had meetings online, and handled issues. I ate something so I could take another med that they recommended which I had leftover from last time. He and I went to Rusty's house to get all the cleaning stuff out. He drove it home while I walked. Then he took the Rainbow back to the swap shop. I walked to Mercedes house for a 1pm appt. Chris drove over there to give her back her sweeper, then went back to work. She and I talked and the housing people showed up. They looked all over her tiny house. Lots needed fixing or replacing, but they insisted that it all be cleaned anyway, and the leaves raked up (even though leaves are still falling). Finally we all signed the cleaning contract and I put the money and key away for safe keeping. M had to stay for the next guy to arrive, but I left and walked to Housing to schedule a time to turn in Rusty's house, then went home.

I made and ate breakfast, feeling better. I read e-mail, getting up periodically to keep my back from stiffening. Chris cooked fish. I chanced sitting in the car and drove to Jenni's house. I was a little early, but she was ready and we walked. Diane caught up with us near the end. When we got back, Jenni had to go, so I walked another round with Diane. I asked for her help with cleaning and she said she could come on Friday.

I drove home. Chris was having dinner at the colonel's house. I ate some fish. I read e-mail. I got a cleaning contract ready for tomorrow morning and left it in my car, being optimistic about tomorrow. I posted to my blog and jotted notes for the next day.

Based on CDC's own numbers, for 18 hospitalizations that covid vaccine will prevent, 43 more hospitalizations will occur from all causes. Wearing a mask increases your viral load.

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