Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Organizing cleaning supplies


I got up soon after 7, wondering why I never heard Reveille. I made lemon water but waited until 9 to start drinking it. I looked for projects that involves sewing and making a pom-pom.

Around 10:30 I went over to the MR house. It was so full of cleaning supplies that it was hard to see what needed to be done. I worked on the duct tape marks on the walls and windows. Jamie came over with more cleaners. She organized everything into groups by purpose. Those neither of us would use went into the swap shop pile. Then we made up one tub of one of each pile, so we could take just that to the next house. Then she helped me move swap shop stuff to my car and her truck. We went to the swap shop and unloaded. She told me about some drill attachments that she ordered, that were for buffing and cleaning all sorts of things. Hmm.

Then I went home for breakfast. I read e-mail as I ate, and looked through the products on sale. I made up two weeks worth of supplements so I could order more on sale. Swansons is giving 25% off the total order today. Then I jumped in the car to meet the ladies in front of the school. We walked around the block, then Heather drove up as we finished. We spoke about having a present-wrapping event, possibly as a fund raiser for the PTSO.

Then I went to the MR house because I had left my heavy winter coat there, as well as my phone. I called Jamie, but she did not want to come over. I worked for 90 minutes, finishing up the downstairs bathroom and scraping duct tape goo off of window sills, etc.

When I got home, Chris had supper in the oven for me: turkey and sweet potato. I ate while reading e-mail. I watched a video of a man playing a chocolate flute that he and his chef friend made. Then I posted to my blog for Sunday and wrote up Monday. I made tea and we watched four episodes of BBT.

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