Sunday, November 14, 2021

I got out of bed on my own!


I carefully got myself out of bed and into the bathroom very early this morning. I went back to bed and cuddled with Chris. Later I was able to get up again, but I did have half a spasm. Chris helped me get dressed and I bundled up to go walking. I walked to the 2nd street house and collected all the cleaning cloths and brought them home. I rinsed them out in the sink along with the pads from the swiffer-ish mops. Then I put them in the washing machine with a few light jackets.

I sat down to read e-mail and listen to a talk on cancer: mistletoe therapy is the second-most studied therapy after conventional therapies. pancreatic enzymes digest cancer cells, salvestrol from vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, 2 tbl of raw pork pancreas 7x a day: 4x on empty stomach, 3x with meals, to digest outer coating of cancer cells. Raw beef liver will restore CBC in 5 minutes. Hydrazine sulfate addresses cachexia. With cooked food eat fresh fruit fiber like blueberries, strawberries, apple pectin.

I made a salad and ate it, then met Diane at the Mustang Run house where she helped me carry in tubs of cleaners no longer needed at the 2nd street house. She went home and I went to clean the sink and mop floors. But I did not finish because I had to run to the Swap Shop to open it.

I opened the swap shop and carried in the 3-layer unit that was left in the 2nd street house. Someone had left a rolling chair and a tall broken lamp outside the door. I took the chair in. Diane came with her son. She brought stuff and put the items with like items. Just as she was leaving, Jamie came. She gave me a box of rolls of ribbon, and a box of rubber stamps. Then Melissa came. She brought kids hangers and watched Jamie bring in toys. She took some for her granddaughter. After she left, Jamie helped hang kids clothes. I found more kids hangers in the small section of the adult room. When she was ready to leave, I asked her to help me carry the lamp to the dumpster. But as she looked it over, she decided to take it and see if she could fix it. The legs were broken plastic so it seemed doubtful to me.

I drove home, then remembered that I hadn't checked the mail. So I walked to the post office and found nothing. Still, it was a beautiful day for a walk. When I got back, I scrubbed a cast iron skillet that had been thrown out at the 2nd street house. I put it on the stove to steam off. I went walking at 5:30 with Jenni and Diane. Both said they would see me in church tomorrow. When I got home I made a salad for supper. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13. I got really sleepy and went to bed without blogging.

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