Saturday, February 12, 2022

A so-so massage


I woke up too early. I don't know why because there was no Reveille or Chris showering. I stayed in bed until almost 8. My left ear was ringing even more loudly then usual. I did the usual morning stuff. I didn't have to turn on the router because the laptop was connected to the modem which I did not turn off.

I read e-mail until after 9:30. I paused New World Next Week to get ready for cleaning. I also put the grocery list in my purse. When I got to the company house, I stripped the beds and threw the sheets and towels into the dryer. I cleaned in the kitchen and bathrooms. I pulled out the light bulb and cover from above the stove. I soaked them in hot ammonia water to get the stickiness off. I poured baking soda down the tub drain. After a bit, I followed it with vinegar.

Jenni sent me a text asking if we could leave at 11 instead of 11:30. I went back to cleaning in the kitchen, waiting for the washer to finish. But it just kept filling, draining and spinning, then filling again. At 11:15 I left the house to walk to Jenni's house. She was just leaving. I got in her car and we went to Tooele. First stop was the drycleaners, then we went to WalMart. They had so much produce, but no pomegranates. She bought a bunch of stuff, including water to have on hand in case of emergencies.

Then we went to Millpond. We had to sign forms, then were shown to bathrooms where we could change into a robe. We were given citrus water to drink. My massage person took me back to a room where I laid on the table face-down. She massaged from my toes to the top of my neck. Then I rolled over and she did my head. Then the hour was up. She left and I got dressed. I waited for Jenni, rubbing my neck. Then we went out front where the owner let us choose snacks. Jenni looked around at everything on display. Finally we paid and left.

Our next stop was Luckey's. It was my idea, but Jenni found lots to buy there. We kept losing each other. We each called the other's phone, but neither of us heard our phone ring. I found about half of what I wanted. We checked out, bagged our own groceries, and went to her car. I noticed that it was quarter of 4 and she wanted to be back by 4. So I did not suggest going to Melanie's.

On the drive back, I texted Diane that I would be late for walking. Jenni called her husband to have him get ready to get the groceries out of the car while she took their van to the commissary to bag for an hour. When we got to the base, she dropped me off at my car. I grabbed my groceries from her back seat and put them in my trunk. I went into the house and put the sheets in the dryer. Then I went home to put groceries away and change my shoes. I went back to the school to walk with Diane. Chris contacted me to see how reception was from wherever he was.

After walking with Diane, I went back to the company house and pulled out the sheets. I made the beds and mopped the floor. I put the light bulb back but it didn't work. I got another one from my car to replace it. I mopped the kitchen floor and left because it was too dark to clean any more. On the way home, I went by the post office to get the mail.

At home, I heated the last of the ground beef and made a salad for supper. I also ate some of the ham I bought today and I washed and soaked a package of 15 bean soup. I looked at the sale prices on Greenstalk Vertical planters. It was a good price, but will I use it? I also looked at sale prices on the Vital Choice website. So many choices.

I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. I made tea and watched an episode of Columbo. I jotted notes for my blog and posted for yesterday. I crossed things off my grocery list and made a new list - one of items I did not find at Luckey's. I watched videos of a man assembling and planting a Greenstalk vertical garden. It was almost midnight when I went to bed.

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