Sunday, February 6, 2022

Jenni has a new granddaughter


Chris got up at 7 and left at 8 to attend the opening of a USO in SLC. I got up after he left. I washed up and got dressed. I wrote a check to the church in Alabama and made a notation asking them to send more envelops. I went through my e-mail.

Jamie called and we talked. I wrote a note to the person who is parking their truck in the driveway of the new house. At 11 I went over to there to put the note on the truck. I cleaned the front door and the shelves in the garage. I packed up the cleaners I use the most and brought them homse.

I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. Chris came back from SLC. We packed the cooler, then stopped to mail the check. We listened to the book on CD while traveling to Tooele. Once there, we realized we had forgotten the list. We shopped as best we could.

When we got back to base, we brought the food in and then I went to the gym to walk with Diane and Jenni. Jenni showed us pics of her new grandchild, a cute baby girl. Diane told us about a place that offers infrared saunas and an oxygen pod.

Afterward, I went to the new house to help Jamie sort cleaners, and decide which should go to the swap shop. Then I went home for supper. Chris was steaming cauliflower for me. I made a salad and had some ground beef with mushrooms.

I read articles, then made tea. We watched four episodes of BBT. I nearly fell asleep. I posted to my blog, and read about GoFundMe freezing the funds people donated to the Freedom Convoy in Canada.

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