Friday, February 25, 2022

No Columbo


I woke up early and irrigated my sinuses again. Nose breathing was marginal. I went back to bed, but am not sure I ever dozed off. I got up around 7:30. I washed my Berkey filter components and sprayed them with hydrogen peroxide to kill whatever keeps trying to grow on the filters. I read pages of “The Real Anthony Fauci”. This chapter is mostly about Bill Gates experimenting on Africans. I queued up a video that beeps once a minute and took a swig of vitamin C water each time. Later I switched to magnesium ascorbate.

I was making breakfast when Jenni called. She said she gave my number to a girl looking for work cleaning. Then Beverly called. We chatted about her visit to the hospital. Afterward, I sat down to watch The Highwire. I also read articles from e-mail.

I stopped at post office, but instead of a key to a box, there was a yellow slip and they were closed. I went to the gym and walked with Diane. Then I went to the commissary for salad fixings. I stopped by the library to get the next season of Columbo. I went home. I worked on Chris' pants, basting a patch on. I called the girl who wants to clean and made arrangements for tomorrow.

I drank water with ascorbic acid every minute until 2 cups were gone. Chris called, and we chatted. I made and ate supper. I tried to order noble shungite, but neither credit card went through. Then BoA texted me and said ok, but by then the site had deleted my order. Later the company sent a message saying it did go through, through Paypal (which I never mentioned to them!).

I heated tea and went to post to my blog, just then realizing that I hadn't finished posting for the day before. So I downloaded all the latest pics and cropped them. I finished the post from yesterday and worked on the one for today. By then it was almost 10 and too late to watch Columbo. And my tea was cold. I read articles for while longer, then went to bed.

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