Monday, February 21, 2022

Fun with the table saw


I finished listening to a sermon on Revelations 12 that the pastor Chris recorded from his church. One thing he mentioned was something about the military being controlled by the anti-christ. I guess he isn't going to say that here, so he is preaching on the book of John when he comes to the chapel.

I read the latest articles. I made and ate breakfast. I washed up and got dressed for church. I made sure to arrive at least 5 minutes early. I was the first congregant. I asked the chaplain assistant about his new baby. Jenni and Rick showed up at 12:59. We waited five more minutes and Saronna came with her family. This week's pastor was Josh. He preached from Philippians.

I spoke to Saronna on the way out. We set plans for Tuesday. I went home. I ate some seed crackers. I changed clothes. Jamie came over at 3. We marked and cut shelves from a piece of crate. We took the two shelves and the leftover strip to the swap shop to see how they fit. Then we brought the shelves back to trim. We also cut the strip into 3 supports. I was covered in sawdust.

She took the shelves home to spray with some kind of coating to cover the splinters. I went to the swap shop to lock up, then went to Jenni's house. We walked around the block. It was overcast, unlike yesterday, when the sky was so blue and cloudless.

I went home and back to reading. I heated bean soup and quinoa for supper. I mixed in an egg. I also made salad. I posted to my blog for yesterday. It was after 8 when I made tea. I called Chris but he didn't answer. I watched Columbo. I went back to reading and Chris called. He had sent me a text an hour ago asking if I wanted to talk. I told him to just call me because I don't hear the text sound. I read a few last articles and went to bed.

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