Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Collecting soil for sugar cane


I had a hard time falling asleep last night, but then slept through Chris getting up at 4:30 and Reveille at 6:30. I heard Chris take a shower after 7. He said he and the commander were running this morning in temps below 20, in his sweats. I shook my head because his sweats are old, thin, and have holes in the butt. He left for work, and I got up. I took the usual supplements, drank water, brushed, etc. I read e-mail and finished some videos. I wrote up my blog post from yesterday. I will post it tonight, giving myself time to add anything I forgot.

After reading e-mail for awhile, I went to Housing to reschedule the inspection to Tuesday. But they said they only do inspections on Monday and Wednesdays, so I picked Wednesday afternoon. From there, I went by the house on Mustang Run. I could not find the key in my purse so I opened the garage. I left my shoes at the inner door and walked through the house, noting how good the floors looked. Jamie did a good job. It all looked clean, so I put on my shoes and went home. Later I went to the post office to mail a check.

I cleaned off a scratch on my car. Then I made breakfast, and watched videos of the truckers in Canada. I posted pics on Facebook of the people that came to my card class. I went to Saronna's house to play duets. It was a lot of fun, as usual.

When I got home, I went back to reading messages. I wrapped a rake handle with rubber shelf liner, then raked a box of leaves. I tried to stir it into the compost pile, but it was frozen. I took a five gallon bucket over to Johnnie's house and collected potting soil from her back yard. I left the bucket near my front porch and went to Jenni's house. She and I walked around the school block. It was a nice afternoon.

When I got home, I went back to reading. Chris came home, and changed clothes. We potted one of the sugarcane pieces, and brought more pots inside. I had leftovers for supper. I listened to a podcast on how to research online. It was after 8 when I made tea. We watched four episodes of BBT. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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