Sunday, February 13, 2022

Soup and swap shop


I woke up with my left ear ringing. I guess turning off the modem last night did not help. I swallowed charcoal, brushed my teeth, etc. I rinsed the beans again and left them soaking in clean water. I read a message entreating people to submit political memes. Some were quite funny, others not so much. Some I just didn't get. I listened to an interview with Dr. Perlmutter on the dangers of high uric acid. Most commonly it comes from fructose.

I made more seed mixes for the seed cracker box. I put away the seed crackers from last night. I refilled spice bottles. After more listening, I showered and got dressed. I put the beans in a large, heavy pot. I could only get four cups of water from the Berkey, so I refilled it. I grabbed up the laundry and got it started. I turned on the gas under the beans while waiting for more water from the Berkey.

I made and ate breakfast. The bean soup boiled so I turned the flame down. I put the laundry in the dryer, then read e-mail. Later I folded the laundry. I looked for diced tomatoes and onions for the soup, but we were all out. I went to the commissary to pick some up. I added the tomatoes to the soup, then chopped up the onions and diced some ham.

I ran to open the swap shop. I got my postal package and put it in the car. I started putting stuff away, and hanging clothes. Finally people showed up, bringing more stuff. Jamie came for a few minutes, helping. Then she went to clean the apartment. My left foot started cramping. After I got it quieted down, Chris called and we talked. I asked him what spices to put in the bean soup. He said all of them. Ha, ha.

Around 4pm the people left. I hung up childrens clothes, and vacuumed the floor. At 4:30 I locked the door, and went to walk with Diane and Jenni. When we completed the circle, I gave Jenni some lightbulbs from my car.

I returned home. I added lemon juice and spices to the bean soup. I ate several bowls, then continued reading articles. I pulled up some carrots, washed them and ate them. They were small. I listened to a gardening podcaster talk about gardening in clay soil. I put the soup away and made tea. I posted to my blog, then watched an episode of Columbo. I jotted notes, then went through more messages and went to bed.

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