Thursday, June 23, 2022

Diesel oil shortage


I woke up to have a coffee morning. After the usual preparations and exercises, I went to the colonel's house to mind the cats. They hadn't eaten their wet food, but the dry food was nearly gone. Men were working in the yard and across the street.

I went to the garden to water and shove cat litter in a gopher hole. I went home and finished coffee morning. Just at the end, Jenni dropped by, unannounced. She brought me a bag of flowerbed edging. After she left, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris came home for lunch. I washed dishes and utensils.

After vacuuming, I read e-mail. I wanted to go walking, but neither Jenni nor Diane was available. At 4:30, I opened the chapel as Michelle requested. She had mentioned meeting people at the chapel to play piano. But then she took down the chapel clock and carried it home to fix. I was left with a boy, his mom, and his piano teacher. He played some songs, and we chose some hymns and discussed the order of service. He will start in July.

When I got home, I potted two tomato plants. I watered and fertilized the lawn. I listened to a podcast about the lack of diesel oil additives. Only two companies produce all the engine oil additives and they are out. They estimate it will take a year to come back on line. Without diesel oil, all diesel vehicles will be out of commission. That includes postal trucks, 18-wheelers, Amazon trucks, railway engines and ships.

I paused it to water my tower garden, again. Chris came home from Mass. I changed into my suit and went to the pool. The water wasn't too cold, but with the wind blowing, it was chilly. I swam laps with Jenni. Then we hit the sauna in order to warm up. No one chased us out at 8 and we lost track of time. When I checked, it was 8:15. We turned off the lights and looked around the gym. But it was empty. Then Tiffany spotted us and let us out the front door. I apologized for being there after hours.

I went home and changed into dry clothes. I was sitting at my laptop when Michelle stopped by with the clock. She had fixed it and wanted me to let her into the chapel, but I was too tired from swimming laps at the pool.

I brought some plants in from the wind. I worked on my blog for today and yesterday. After posting for yesterday, I made tea and we watched two episodes of Gomer Pyle. Then Chris looked up some of the actresses for me. But they weren't in anything I had seen before.

I listened to more about engine oil. He said to stock up on diesel 15w-40 oil. Also, stock up on everything else because there won't be any deliveries to stores. Postal deliveries and Amazon deliveries will come to a halt as well, probably sometime in August.

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