Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Straw is cheaper, grass is free...


I got up around 8. I brushed, swished and watered the plants. Then I went to the chapel to get my glue gun. Somewhere on the way back, some keys fell off my key ring and I had to go searching the grass to find them.

Then I went to the colonel's house. There was something outside beeping, and also something in the garage beeping. I refreshed the food and water for the cats. I scrubbed at the floor of the oven (with little luck). I scooped waste from the litter boxes and saved it for my gophers. I swept the kitchen floor. I sat down to play with the cats, but they were uninterested.

So I went to the garden. I used the silage in the bucket to feed the plants and peonies. I scattered cat droppings to discourage the gophers. Mindy stopped to talk, and we discussed digging up the peonies after they bloom.

When I got home, Chris was on his computer. How unusual. Not! I did something outside, then got out my supplements and made up two weeks worth of daily doses. I marked some for refill. Then I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. I also put on my suit for a little sunbathing.

About 3:30 I went outside to find ways to annoy gophers as much as they annoy me. I watered their holes with a hose. One popped up and ran across the street. I put a trap in his hole in case he comes back (which he did during the night). I dug a hole where the grass doesn't grow. I didn't see any tunnels, but when I filled it completely with water, the dam burst and there was the tunnel. I shoved as much dirt in as possible, then filled in the hole. I filled a bucket with water and leaned a board up against it to make a mouse trap.

I planted garlic that I sprouted, underneath the dining room window. That was to discourage gophers. I ate supper. Mindy came by with a bale of hay. We had a nice long chat. After she left, I posted to my blog. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle.

I read a book until I got very sleepy, then went to bed. Chris followed soon after.

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