Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Interlibrary loan starts now


I got up after 8. It was raining, but the strong winds had died down. I took supplements, watered the indoor plants, and read e-mail. I checked the whey in the crock pot. I went to the colonel's house to feed the cats and pick up their waste. I brought my laser pointer, but the cats were not interested. They weren't much interested in cuddles, either. Then I played the piano and they disappeared. So I left.

I stopped at the garden to make sure my plants were ok. Because it was raining, I just looked through the fence, then got back in my car. When I got home, I worked on my blog post.

I read e-mail, then made and ate breakfast. I finished the unwatched episodes of Unbreakable. Melissa texted that the interlibrary loan books had come in. I fertilized some grass. I blended up some jalapenos and poured it into gopher holes. I made some more pepper juice and went to the garden to spread it and the used cat litter.

Then I went to the library to pick up the books. The staff was having a meeting so they just handed me the books. I confirmed that they were due in 6 weeks and I left. I listened to an interview, during which Chris came home from work. Casey came by with 2 gallons of goat milk. I had headphones on, and did not know he was coming, so I didn't pay him or give him the previous three jars.

I made tea. We watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. Chris went to bed. I read parts of one book, realized I had read it before, and picked up another one. Sometime after 11, I put it down, turned off the router and went to bed (forgetting to post to my blog).

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