Thursday, June 9, 2022

The mower is ready to go!


I got up at 7:30. I watered everything, and took supplements. I read e-mail. I looked up pillow forms and found one that should be available at Joanns this Friday. I also looked at inverters but could not decide on one. I lit a gopher gasser in the back yard, then covered the hole.

I watched the bonus episode 7 of Unbreakable. Dr. Group talked about the benefits of supercharged C60; carbon nano-onions. And taking 600 units of Lugol's. Also, he used urotherapy to re-grow his gums. His dentist said he'd never seen gums re-grow before.

I made cheese sticks and seed crackers, Chris came home for lunch, I made and ate breakfast. I listened to more interviews.

I went to Saronna's house to play music at 2:30. We did a lot of talking, and by the time we were ready to play, her baby woke up. She tried putting him on her back and she was able to play one song with me. But the kids needed attention, so I packed up.

As I left, I checked my phone and saw a message from Jamie wanting to go to the swap shop. So I texted her back and drove over there and unlocked it. She dropped off a manual mower and looked around. We chatted a bit and then left. I asked her over to my house to look at the riding mower. She not only showed me how to run it, she also fixed the flat tire and was going to mow my lawn. It didn't really need mowing so I thanked her anyway.

I flattened gopher mounds. Some tunnels were so extensive that after I dug up the area, the ground was 3 to 6 inches lower. I saw new activity where I lit the gasser this morning. As I ate supper, I watched a video of Dr. Malone and Dr. Van Den Bossche, virologists and vaccinologists. They said our only hope of getting to herd immunity is to not vaccinate the children. Because kids have strong thymus glands, they are not at risk.

I put some stuff together and ran to the garden to do some planting and watering. I ran into Michelle's husband so we talked for awhile. I added sprouted white potatoes to the garden box and covered them with grass clippings and wood chips.

When I got home, I made tea and we watched four episodes of Cheers. Then I posted to my blog. Sometime after 11, I put my laptop to sleep and headed for bed.

* Climate change follows solar activity *

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