Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Planting in the garden box


I woke up early and dozed off again, mostly ruminating. I got up about 8. I took some probiotics in water. I wrote up yesterday's notes. I looked at my 'new' sewing projects which are for other people. I washed up and got dressed in shorts. I fortified gallons of water and watered the plants. The wind was rising, so I put up my car windows. I unloaded the dishwasher.

I watched an interview with Dr. Michelle Perro: Children are immunologically different than adults. They have a robust innate immunity that adults don't have due to loss of thymus gland. Dr. Fauci is on record in 2004 saying natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced immunity. All of the DNA in our mitochondria come from our mothers. Take lumbrokinase for biofilms and oral cavitations, and spike protein-itis on an empty stomach. Take ivermectin with a fatty meal. Also lots of NAC, and zeolite helps. Ascorbic acid offsets sunburning, Lower seed oil use.

After the interview, I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I read e-mail. At 3:45 I went walking at the gym with Diane and Michelle. Afterward, Diane went back to work. Michelle and I walked to the chapel. She wanted to play the piano, but mostly we chatted. As we walked back to our cars, we ran into Saronna and the kids walking to the library.

I drove home. Chris cooked me a steak. I ate about half, plus leftover veggies. I watched an interview with a doctor: Take nitazoxanide for parasites. All cancer patients have parasites. Take copper and zinc for prevention, 500 nac+ 200 selenium = production of glutathione. Take 5000mg vit c daily. Take Verde Vita for throat issues. Most people are copper deficient so it would help to take Sovereign copper hydrosol. Also recommended something called Asea.

I went to the garden. I planted two tomatoes and 4 sweet potatoes. I watered them with multiple gallons of water, resolving to bring another gallon jug. When I got back, I made tea and wrote my blog post. We watched four episodes of Cheers.

I finished the interview from earlier, then got ready for bed.

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