Sunday, June 12, 2022

Gassing Gophers


I woke up at 8:30, amazed to have slept through the night. I wondered if it was all the celery I have been eating. Chris was already up. I got up to take probiotics, brush and swish. I watered the plants, then went to the colonel's house to feed his cats and clean their litter box. I sat with them a little bit, but they weren't that interested.

When I got home, I dug up gopher mounds and put cat litter in. I set the traps and used a gopher gasser. The smoke went down the hole, but then started to back up. He must have smelled it and blocked off the tunnel. I also filled the rest of the garden box beside the compost pile. I watered parts of the lawn. It was the wrong time of day, but the evenings get so busy.

I came in to take the last round of the morning supplements and read e-mail. I had a bunch of messages on my phone. I worked on my blog post. I listened to an interview with Dr. Lustig:: In our society, we don't know the difference between happiness and pleasure. Multi-tasking promotes unhappiness and lowers seratonin. Tryptophan is the rarest amino acid in our diet. Omega-3's are in fish, too, and protect neurons. Sugar lowers seratonin. Before you address health care reform, you have to address heath reform, and before that, diet reform.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris put ice packs in the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at the usual places, plus Joanns for a pillow form, and Cal Ranch for a gas can. When we got home, about 5, we unpacked the food.

I ate goat cheese and celery with avocado dip for supper. I also ate half a papaya (which though small, cost $6!) I saved the seeds to bait gopher traps. At 6:30, I left the gophers to go open the swap shop for Saronna and her family. I talked to her husband about getting bees for the base. I alphabetized some of the paperbacks. Then at 7 I went home to get dressed for water aerobics.

I am not sure when I got in the pool. The water was like bathwater (still 100 degrees outside at 7pm). I swam with Jenni and Emily using kickboards. I didn't care for them, but Jenni liked them. We got kicked out at 8. I went to the garden to check and to water. Then I went home.

I changed into my nightgown. I made tea and worked on my blog post. Jenni came by to get the key to the swap shop so she could get a pair of shoes and lock up. Before she drove off, Michelle came over with a bag of organic apples. I didn't have the heart to tell her that we found some at Macey's.

We settled in to watch Gomer Pyle. I had to stop and answer texts. I read some e-mail, and then went to bed, late.

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