Sunday, November 13, 2022

Cleaning the house on the hill


We got up before 8:30. I read e-mail and finished listening to the episode of Endgame from last night. I read about stopping a headache with two questions: what color is it, and what does it taste like? I explored possible sewing projects for the next class.

I added the last of the goat milk to the LAB ferment, but discovered it had bugs in it. So I threw the whole thing into the compost pile. I got dressed, wrote a message in a card to John's mom. I put on coat to go to the post office, but just then Michelle and her husband stopped by to try a RAM stick on the computer. It did not work with the older computer.

After they left, I made and ate breakfast. I got cleaning supplies together and put them in my car. I stopped at the post office, then went up on the hill. I called Dispatch to open the door and they said someone was on the way.

When we got inside, they discovered that the water was off. After they left, I went home and filled three milk jugs with hot water. I brought them to the house. I swept the floors and scrubbed the toilets. I also scrubbed the counter tops. I did not mop the floors, leaving that for AFTER the party. I only needed one gallon of water. I packed up and went home. I called Dispatch to lock the house.

I watered plants with the extra water. I listened to podcasts while playing Solitaire. Chris bought persimmons at the commissary. I ate one and it was very astringent, so I put the rest on the window sill with a banana. I ate the last of the steak, plus a salad. I washed the nebulizer parts and put some juice in a jar for Saronna. I wrote my blog post, then made tea. We watched several episodes of The Librarians. I listened to the next episode of Propaganda Revealed, then went to bed.

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