Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The MWR meeting


I got up around 7:30, not having slept well. I washed up. I soaked dishes in the sink and scrubbed them. I emptied the dish washer. I watered the plants, put a form in an envelop and walked it to the post office to mail.

I went to a meeting at MWR that they invited me to. They discussed their plans for the next 14 months. They asked for suggestions, so I made a few.

When I got home, I made and ate breakfast. I closed a window on my computer but it wouldn't stop playing. I went on looking at other e-mail, but finally had to reboot to get peace and quiet.

At 3:30 I went walking with the ladies at the gym. I heard the chaplain's wife is being life-flighted out, but not why. I said a prayer for her.

I went home, and listened while playing Solitaire - I am on the last level. I investigated using hypochlorous acid on mold. I have the machine so maybe it would be ok to clean a moldy house?

I made a salad, and ate it while watching an episode of Endgame, thinking that I have seen this one before. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched several episodes of The Librarians. As usual, I listened to the next episode of Propaganda Revealed, then went to bed.

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