Thursday, November 10, 2022

Not in favor of home meetings


I got up after 7:30. But then Chris came back from the gym. As he got ready for work, I prepared for coffee morning. After he left, I did the meditation and tapping. Afterward, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen.

Chris came home for lunch. He told me he saw the guy who didn't answer his doorbell on Monday. I'm glad he's not dead. Then Chris' assistant called to say there was a meeting going on, so he dialed in on his phone. I had to stop vacuuming. So I washed dishes then took a shower. When I got out, he was gone.

I got dressed. I read e-mail until 3:30. I met Diane at the gym. We walked the track for half an hour. We discussed Friendsgiving, which she hadn't heard about.

I went home, read e-mail, then turned on the HappyLIght and listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. Chris came home with white containers of food, then went to the chapel for Mass.

I continued reading. Then I worked on my blog post about yesterday. I watched part of episode 1 of Endgame. Chris came home from Mass with a pizza since the Community Club will be closed tomorrow for Veteran's Day. I worked on my blog, then made tea.

We watched several episodes of The Librarians. I hope we have enough episodes to get us through till Monday when the library opens again. Later he went to bed and still later, I paused what I was listening to and hit the hay.

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