Monday, February 6, 2023

An epidemic of 'not feeling well'


I got up at 9:30. I drank hydrogen water, then brushed and swished. I cleaned up in the kitchen, then listened to an interview with atty Tod Callendar: Almost all injectables now contain hydrogel, including novocaine used by dentists.

I watered the plants, then checked e-mail. Chris made lunch, and I made breakfast, then washed up and got dressed. I took seed crackers and my trombone to the chapel.

I was alone as I unlocked the door and went in. I shook out the tablecloth on the snack table, then put it back on. Then Saronna came with her family and John and Michelle arrived, separately. We chatted first, then Saronna, I and Sophia played two hymns. Sophia played her djimba. Then Randy talked about questions we brought up last Sunday. I submitted something for discussion and we ended up talking about the grid going down. Afterward, we played more hymns and had a prayer and then snacks. Randy had brought some bread baked in a can, and Saronna brought zuchinni bread.

It was after 2 when I got home. I changed into regular clothes. Chris was not gaming because John and Michele were not feeling well. He did not elaborate. So I read e-mail. Then Jamie texted that she was at the apartment, so I went over there to get my cleaners and vacuum. We talked for a bit. Then I went home.

I continued listening to interviews and working online puzzles. I heated ground beef, squash and fingerling potatoes for supper. Jamie came over to return the key (since she finished cleaning) and I gave her her share of the money from the last two apartments. I went back to the laptop. Then around 8 I started working on my blog. I made tea and we watched SG!.

Chris went to bed afterwards and I stayed up to finish a couple of videos. I went to do my stretches about 11:45 and just as I finished, Chris got up and ran to the bathroom, retching. I stood by him for awhile. While he took a shower, I pulled up the bathmats and set them aside. I wiped stuff off the walls and cabinet and side of the toilet.

I laid down and he came back to bed. Later I awoke hearing him go at it again. Then I went back to sleep.

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