Monday, February 13, 2023

Only the big game today


I got up at 8:30, not having slept well. I took the parasite supplement and went back to bed. I got up later to do the usual first things, then sat at my laptop to read e-mail. I listened to a long interview with a man who talked about the history of the WEF, Blackrock, Ukraine, etc. He said giving Ukraine modern tanks will not help them since they don't have the supply chains in place to keep them running. Also China prefers peace to war but anti-China forces want a belligerent China in order to justify their coming attack on China.

I made breakfast and ate it. I washed up and got dressed for church. I put seed crackers in a container and collected my trombone, then went to the chapel. I unlocked the door and went in. I shook out the tablecloth on the snack table to get rid of the crumbs, then put the seed crackers there. I went up front and assembled my trombone. Then I played a hymn on the piano with just the right hand. That's when Michelle and Casey arrived.

We chatted until Diane came. Then I played two hymns on my trombone while the others sang. We talked about submitting to authority for an hour. Then Michelle suggested we say a prayer and go home. So she prayed, then we snacked and went home.

I changed clothes, noting that Chris was in the shower. I read e-mail while he tinkered on his laptop, then went to the gym for the Big Game. For some reason, they couldn't call it the Super Bowl. While he was gone, I watched videos on growing microgreens. Oh, and I watered the plants.

Chris came back before 5. But John had already called the game off. Sigh. We talked to James and Becca who hadn't heard the game was off. Chris made his supper and I heated mine in the toaster oven. Also made a salad. I ate while listening to episode 6 on detoxing.

I worked on my blog then made tea. We watched several episodes of SG1. Chris went to bed, though not immediately. I stayed up to listen to a frequency and some audios.

** Trainwreck in Ohio **

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