Sunday, February 26, 2023

More cleaning than anticipated


I did not sleep well last night. I blame it on eating that bit of bread. I got up about 8, I think. I did the usual first things, then read e-mail. Around 11, Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. It was probably the best he has every done. Then he showered and made his lunch. I showered and made and ate breakfast.

I made cheese squares and listened to something online. Later I went to Heather's house to clean and pick up my supplies. I was up to 9 hours at that point. I dusted the walls, and swept and steam mopped floors for two hours. She had gone on a trip with her girls to visit people so I figured getting the house cleaned was not a priority.

Then I went to the company house, thinking a little light dusting was all it needed. But no, all the sheets and and 2x towels were on the floor by the washer. And the washer and dryer didn't work. I checked the circuit box. I flipped all the breakers. Still no power. I plugged the vacuum in behind the washer and it started so.... I took the sheets home and put them in my washer. I went back and did a quick wipe of kitchen and bathroom surfaces. I washed some dirty dishes in the sink. I found some clean sheets and made one of the three beds. I quickly dustmopped the floors, then took more sheets and towels home.

Chris had put the first sheets in the dryer so I put towels in the washer. Then I hunted for games in the garage and picked Scrabble. I cut the egg/cheese mixture into squares and put half in a container. Then we took the game and the snack and went to the LDS church just off post.

We walked in and chatted a bit. I put the cheese on the snack table. There was nothing I could eat. I sat at a table with Rebecca and talked with her, then unpacked the game. Her husband and Christina joined in. The four of us played Scrabble until all the pieces were on the board. We did not keep score. Chris sat in the music room, looking at his phone. Later Michelle showed up and sat in there talking to him. Christina left, so the three of us played another round of Scrabble. Tiffany tried to entice us to dance or play a different game. But we just finished ours.

Later, we packed up the game. Rebecca and her family went home. I talked to Chris and Michelle. She was tired and wanted to go home, as did I. After a chatting with Tiffany's husband, the three of us walked out. We drove back to base.

The sheets weren't dry so I started the dryer again. My fuzzy socks got wet because the washer leaked. I put away the cheese squares. I rinsed the sprouting seeds. Chris and I worked on leveling up my character. Then I pulled out the sheets and put the towels in the dryer, and added more sheets to the washer. I worked on my blog and then moved the last load to the dryer. I wanted to finish the beds at the house today so I won't have to work on Sunday, but it got too late. I took supplements and read more articles. Finally I shut down and went to bed.

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